
Conduit Matrix Server

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https://conduit.rs Release Party! v0.8.0 We follow the Matrix Code of Conduct1096 Servers

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30 May 2022
@tezlm:celery.eu.orgtezlmis there any way to import the dendrite media store or database into conduit?08:39:00
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️No08:39:13
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️


ruma_state_res: conflicting events: 35469

Timo: 😭

@petko:matrix.gago.lifepetko ⚡️
In reply to @jef:rustybever.be
the trusted servers setting is a common misconception, it has nothing to do with with which servers you will federate
if it is so common i assume it should be documented somewhere people can easily find it; like conduit.toml for example, no buried down somewhere in the Matrix API documentation;
@petko:matrix.gago.lifepetko ⚡️
In reply to @jef:rustybever.be

whatever the case i could not join any of their channels

chances are their room version might just not be supported by conduit

their room nuber was/is 6 and i'm running conduit-next
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️https://gitlab.com/famedly/conduit/-/issues/27408:55:14
@petko:matrix.gago.lifepetko ⚡️
In reply to @timokoesters:fachschaften.org
thanks 👍
In reply to @petko:matrix.gago.life
their room nuber was/is 6 and i'm running conduit-next
hmmm then i'm not sure what the problem is, you're not getting any error messages?
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️
In reply to @timokoesters:fachschaften.org


ruma_state_res: conflicting events: 35469

Timo: 😭

For some reason fetching those events is very slow. 30mins and still hasn't fetched them all
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️I wonder if rocksdb doesn't like getting request from multiple threads. But I don't understand how IO can be this slow09:10:21
@petko:matrix.gago.lifepetko ⚡️
In reply to @jef:rustybever.be
hmmm then i'm not sure what the problem is, you're not getting any error messages?
the problem is i get tons of log messages, not sure which of them are related to joining another room
@jef:rustybever.beJefusually when i can't join a room, i get an error message in my client, i don't have to check the logs09:11:40
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️Screenshot_20220530_111340.png
Download Screenshot_20220530_111340.png
@ticho:cyberdi.skTichorocksdb is still single-writer-multiple-readers, right?09:14:54
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️Yeah09:15:10
@ticho:cyberdi.skTichoyou'd probably need some sort of tokio-specific profiling/introspection tools, but my guess is most of the time is spent waiting for the db lock, and each thread gets it every now and then09:16:14
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️But they are almost exclusively reading09:16:45
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️And that wouldn't count as IO load09:16:53
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️ * And that wouldn't count as IO wait09:17:01
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️This is a HDD09:17:34
@ticho:cyberdi.skTichohm, right09:17:41
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️Is random access just that slow and there's nothing I can do? Maybe organize the db in a way where those pdus are more coupled09:19:27
In reply to @timokoesters:fachschaften.org
I wonder how element displays pings in old rooms that were upgraded

Something like

You have 1 mention in the old room

or something, I kinda forgot

@petko:matrix.gago.lifepetko ⚡️
In reply to @jef:rustybever.be
usually when i can't join a room, i get an error message in my client, i don't have to check the logs
gomuks for me...
@petko:matrix.gago.lifepetko ⚡️i'll give it a try in the afternoon with element and will spam you guys again :)09:21:43
In reply to @timokoesters:fachschaften.org
Is random access just that slow and there's nothing I can do? Maybe organize the db in a way where those pdus are more coupled
or cache what each thread reads (unless changed), to hopefully reduce disk IO
@kraem:ne.bul.aekraem joined the room.09:22:36
@petko:matrix.gago.lifepetko ⚡️
In reply to @ticho:cyberdi.sk
or cache what each thread reads (unless changed), to hopefully reduce disk IO
heh, caching is so much fun... to get right... :)
@ticho:cyberdi.skTichothis is probably already handled by the rocksdb cache, but if you're running on memory-constrained hardware (e.g. a RPi), there's just not enough room to reliably keep all the interesting PDUs in there - especially if your server has lots of users and rooms09:26:07

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