

20 Members
Deep Learning for IACT Event Reconstruction3 Servers

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26 Mar 2020
@ayushvpaliwal:matrix.orgayushvpaliwalWhat mentioned in idea page was initially we will make it to enable data in ROOT format from specific IACT. And afterwords from given collection of IACTs20:12:00
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark Okay, I see! MAGIC is a collection of two IACTs and VERITAS is a collection of four IACTs. However, the data structure is the same for the files of each IACT in their array (collection). Shouldn’t cause any troubles scaling up for „multi telescopes“. 20:41:46
27 Mar 2020
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydvI read the Magic root file using uproot and used bilinear interpolation in the image_mapper. The output image doesn't seem right though12:48:37
Download index1.png
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydvBut each event in 'Events.MCerPhotEvt.fPixels.fPhot' had a shape of (1183,1) while MagicCam images have a size of (1039,1), right? So I used the first 1039 pixel values for this image.12:51:05
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark Awesome progress! Yes, that's was right. The pixel values for indices >1039 are not relevant. 16:51:16
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark One side note: The image look like the default oversampling and not bilinear interpolation. Are you sure you passing "mapping_method={'MAGICCam': 'bilinear_interpolation'}" in the ImageMapper? 16:54:17
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydvOh yes I forgot that. Does this work?17:09:00
Download final.png
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark That looks good! 17:11:47
28 Mar 2020
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydvFor the MAGIC files, we have to change this part of the code to the ctapipe_io_magic's MAGICEventSource, right? And then use the hdf5 files in CTLearn using the dl1reader.11:54:51
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydvInkedScreenshot from 2020-03-28 17-19-40_LI.jpg
Download InkedScreenshot from 2020-03-28 17-19-40_LI.jpg
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark Yes, instead of using the EventSource from ctapipe, we should use the EventSource from ctapipe_io_magic, which were build following the convention and syntax from ctapipe. 11:57:38
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark Did you tried to pass in the eventsource class plus settings from ctapipe_io_magic into the event_source_class & event_source_settings from the DL1DataWriter? Then you should execute the if case in your image. 12:02:13
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark I don't know if it's working out of the box, because for the CTA data additional steps are required (e.g calibrating the data). These steps should be skipped, when working with MAGIC (calibrated) data. 12:06:24
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydvOh. I haven't tried that. Will get back to you if I do it.12:07:50
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark Great! However, those further tasks are not expected for the proposal and the PR. 12:25:49
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydvYeah sure. I am working on the proposal and PR too. Thanks!12:29:33
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark @all Make sure to upload your proposal draft at the official google summer of code dashboard (https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/dashboard/) as soon as possible. You can mark the status as 'Draft shared' or 'Final'. Last minute/hours upload make it challenging for us to add any input and/or review! 12:38:41
29 Mar 2020
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydv Hey Tjark! I have written most of the proposal but have some queries regarding the timeline. Should I share the draft on the organizations page? 07:11:50
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark Yes, that would be good! Thanks. 17:41:23
30 Mar 2020
@ayushvpaliwal:matrix.orgayushvpaliwalTjark: would you please comment something on draft?13:47:11
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark I'm on it! 14:28:10
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark I'm on it! 14:29:13
@shlydv:openastronomy.orgshlydv Hey Tjark did you see the proposal draft? 18:07:23
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark Hi @shlydv! Yes. I will write an email. 18:22:24
31 Mar 2020
@_slack_ctlearn_UCTDX00UB:matrix.orgTjark Make sure to mark the proposal as final before the deadline! 12:26:35
17 Apr 2020
@slal:matrix.org@slal:matrix.org left the room.22:18:35
30 Apr 2020
@nikita_0209:matrix.orgnikita_0209 joined the room.13:57:32

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