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26 Jun 2024
@lukexijn:gitter.imlukexijnI install cobbler version 3.3.4 in fedora 40,follow quick guide,seems all ok,but I found in tftp root no pxeliux.0,memdisk from cobbler sync,that's why?03:00:33
Download image.png
@lukexijn:gitter.imlukexijnso when I test pxe,get ip is ok from hdcp_dnsmasq,but when tftp report error,as no pxelinux.0 and so on 03:01:59
@lukexijn:gitter.imlukexijnhow does install cobbler in ubuntu 22?03:03:51
In reply to @lukexijn:gitter.im
so when I test pxe,get ip is ok from hdcp_dnsmasq,but when tftp report error,as no pxelinux.0 and so on
Is the RPM for pxelinux installed?
In reply to @lukexijn:gitter.im
how does install cobbler in ubuntu 22?
  1. Add the community repository from OBS that can be found on the Website.
  2. Import the gpg key
  3. Install Cobbler
@lukexijn:gitter.imlukexijnI think no installed.does pxelinux need installd manualy?how about memdisk dir,I also no this dir06:14:38
@lukexijn:gitter.imlukexijnbut I can find file pxelinux.0 in /usr/share/syslinux/ dir06:15:28
In reply to @lukexijn:gitter.im
I think no installed.does pxelinux need installd manualy?how about memdisk dir,I also no this dir
Did you at any point exexute the mkloaders action?
In reply to @egotthold:matrix.org
Did you at any point exexute the mkloaders action?
no this step.as I follow cobber quick guide no this action
@egotthold:matrix.orgegottholdOkay then I'll check the guide and attempt to fix that. Please execute "cobbler mkloaders" so you build the bootloaders. After that a "cobbler sync" should make the file appear.07:27:25
@lukexijn:gitter.imlukexijnthat is quickstart guide,bro07:32:46
In reply to @egotthold:matrix.org
Okay then I'll check the guide and attempt to fix that. Please execute "cobbler mkloaders" so you build the bootloaders. After that a "cobbler sync" should make the file appear.
dear bro,1:after cobbler mkloaders,files appears in tftp root dir,and then I do cobbler sync.after that,I do a real server test,just go to the step below and can not go on,How can I one by one check logs,which cause this issue
Download image.png
@egotthold:matrix.orgegottholdThat looks very good.07:50:05
In reply to @egotthold:matrix.org
That looks very good.
just go to pic and then game over,I can not start linux installation
@egotthold:matrix.orgegottholdSo if I understand correctly you installed Cobbler in a VM and have followed the quickstart guide? What distro did you import?07:54:04
In reply to @egotthold:matrix.org
So if I understand correctly you installed Cobbler in a VM and have followed the quickstart guide? What distro did you import?
ubuntu 22
Download 6ccbda2e66f2d29cf54cf9425bef24b.png
In reply to @egotthold:matrix.org
So if I understand correctly you installed Cobbler in a VM and have followed the quickstart guide? What distro did you import?
yes,in vm ,os is fedora 40,follow all the quickstar guide ,distro is ubuntu 22
Download image.png
@egotthold:matrix.orgegottholdAh I had someone else with issues for Ubuntu. I will attempt to reproduce that this weekend.08:52:35
In reply to @egotthold:matrix.org
Ah I had someone else with issues for Ubuntu. I will attempt to reproduce that this weekend.
thanks bro
27 Jun 2024
@dmick-5ab46345d73408ce4f92bf05:gitter.imdmick (Dan Mick)Any plans for a new release soon? I was surprised to find "install" still exists in sample.ks (and breaks RHEL9 kickstart, as the command is now deleted)03:08:54
@dmick-5ab46345d73408ce4f92bf05:gitter.imdmick (Dan Mick)and I know that's fixed in the mainline, but03:09:12
@egotthold:matrix.orgegottholdThe new version will come assp when I am done with cloud init support.05:18:48
2 Jul 2024
@lukexijn:gitter.imlukexijnwhy instal cobbler,made me cofused01:37:36
In reply to @lukexijn:gitter.im
why instal cobbler,made me cofused
Would you please be so kind to elaborate a bit more? We offer different ways of installation for different needs. I had hoped that one of them fits your usecase.
19 Jul 2024
@ptempier-5e57a6b7d73408ce4fdaed43:gitter.imptempier (Pascal Tempier) joined the room.15:15:25

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