
ios - Deprecated in favor of #mobile

225 Members
Talk about anything related to ente's iOS app here5 Servers

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5 May 2023
@_discord_1061834219740995655:t2bot.ioxbdm#0 changed their display name from Angelic to xbdm#6969.08:04:21
@_discord_1061834219740995655:t2bot.ioxbdm#0 changed their profile picture.08:04:29
6 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.18:21:19
8 May 2023
@_discord_204523054389395457:t2bot.ioOptimistic Kestrel joined the room.17:07:48
10 May 2023
@_discord_439009029449187328:t2bot.ioSanjay joined the room.18:39:53
11 May 2023
@_discord_1026191000907034706:t2bot.iojan_de_man joined the room.09:32:19
15 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.23:54:12
17 May 2023
@_discord_281140899042557953:t2bot.iohyggeshark#0 changed their profile picture.08:52:33
19 May 2023
@vishnukvmd:matrix.orgVishnu changed the room name to "ios - Deprecated in favor of #mobile" from "ios".11:22:50
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.22:27:09
25 May 2023
@_discord_78435584216936448:t2bot.iolubricantjam#0 changed their display name from Lubricant Jam to Lubricant Jam#0001.14:50:41
1 Jun 2023
@reburial5964:envs.netspec (inactive) changed their profile picture.05:17:44
7 Jun 2023
@_discord_266603416812388353:t2bot.iohttp.james changed their display name from http.james#6969 to http.james#0.18:28:32
8 Jun 2023
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 changed their display name from green. to green.#0.07:29:13
9 Jun 2023
@_discord_229726293585952770:t2bot.iopasskeys#0 changed their display name from m00t to m00t#0001.00:06:17
@_discord_229726293585952770:t2bot.iopasskeys#0 changed their profile picture.00:06:21
@_discord_198109481513648128:t2bot.iopovey#0 changed their display name from povey to povey#0.13:40:31
@_discord_229726293585952770:t2bot.iopasskeys#0 changed their display name from m00t#0001 to passkeys#0.21:50:50
10 Jun 2023
@_discord_516689579726864426:t2bot.iofr_g changed their display name from Fr_g to fr_g#0.10:25:57
@_discord_1061834219740995655:t2bot.ioxbdm#0 changed their display name from xbdm#6969 to xbdm#0.23:33:42
11 Jun 2023
@fr-g:matrix.org@fr-g:matrix.org left the room.16:05:47
12 Jun 2023
@_discord_226221198885912576:t2bot.iot7devu#0 changed their display name from t7devu to t7devu#0.14:14:29
15 Jun 2023
@reburial5964:envs.netspec (inactive) removed their profile picture.20:50:00
18 Jun 2023
@_discord_78435584216936448:t2bot.iolubricantjam#0 changed their display name from Lubricant Jam#0001 to lubricantjam#0.03:10:19
19 Jun 2023
@_discord_740038902047440928:t2bot.ioenteuser changed their display name from restandvest to restandvest#0.16:27:52
20 Jun 2023
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd changed their display name from vishnu#8699 to vishnukvmd#0.18:50:10
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd changed their display name from vishnukvmd#0 to vishnukvmd.18:50:20
21 Jun 2023
@_discord_715933784956207145:t2bot.ioabhinavkgrd changed their display name from abhinav to abhinavkgrd#0.03:14:07
@_discord_715933784956207145:t2bot.ioabhinavkgrd changed their display name from abhinavkgrd#0 to abhinavkgrd.03:14:09
@_discord_230287868218572800:t2bot.iolukalovre#0 changed their display name from lukalovre to lukalovre#0.08:23:35

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