
ios - Deprecated in favor of #mobile

225 Members
Talk about anything related to ente's iOS app here5 Servers

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30 Nov 2022
@laurens8:matrix.org@laurens8:matrix.org joined the room.18:17:41
1 Dec 2022
@koma312:anontier.nl@koma312:anontier.nl left the room.21:24:30
4 Dec 2022
@_discord_633554774754721813:t2bot.iofredstelly joined the room.05:50:12
7 Dec 2022
@_discord_1040604069535944744:t2bot.ioabc123hgkjhgkj joined the room.06:39:33
9 Dec 2022
@_discord_376608048581443584:t2bot.ioajkelkar#0 joined the room.12:00:56
10 Dec 2022
@_discord_247151607647698947:t2bot.ioMikhail joined the room.16:01:50
11 Dec 2022
@_discord_993257754481410048:t2bot.iotheoulis joined the room.11:48:11
12 Dec 2022
@therealchidi:matrix.org@therealchidi:matrix.org joined the room.20:16:58
@therealchidi:matrix.org@therealchidi:matrix.org left the room.20:18:42
13 Dec 2022
@_discord_911849008304123985:t2bot.ioanonness joined the room.04:55:21
@_discord_1031661391700045886:t2bot.iosmeagol joined the room.17:30:24
@_discord_192440752331161601:t2bot.ioZeppelin7 joined the room.17:58:07
15 Dec 2022
@_discord_915158969423642654:t2bot.ioniko4#5981 joined the room.18:59:37
17 Dec 2022
@_discord_770022422517907517:t2bot.ioJagaaaan joined the room.01:32:36
19 Dec 2022
@_discord_960808723104821278:t2bot.ioxiorx joined the room.23:08:47
23 Dec 2022
@_discord_1051824041834598430:t2bot.ioadamtrlica joined the room.19:24:22
25 Dec 2022
@_discord_1056601582420107294:t2bot.iofuhonjud joined the room.15:57:48
@_discord_1051758929627066388:t2bot.ioyungglxcier joined the room.16:20:17
@_discord_754983697182359625:t2bot.iom0rph3us_#0 changed their display name from Morpheus to Morpheus#2998.19:50:55
@_discord_754983697182359625:t2bot.iom0rph3us_#0 changed their display name from Morpheus#2998 to Morpheus.19:50:59
26 Dec 2022
@_discord_794828503417225226:t2bot.ioKeni joined the room.01:43:53
28 Dec 2022
@_discord_711894021412225077:t2bot.ioaartvandelayy#9635 joined the room.13:55:47
@_discord_711894021412225077:t2bot.ioaartvandelayy#9635 changed their display name from aartvandelayy to aartvandelayy#9635.13:55:47
@_discord_711894021412225077:t2bot.ioaartvandelayy#9635 Hi team ente, do you guys have any plans to implement a search feature to search for texts in the images like this Photos app does? 13:55:48
@_discord_969178773389979668:t2bot.ioManav#8403 Plans, yes! When, I can't say 😄 13:57:19
@_discord_969178773389979668:t2bot.ioManav#8403 Sorry to be a bummer, but it's not likely in the next 2-3 months. After that, yes indeed. We'll add this when we add other forms of object/scene detection. 13:58:19
@_discord_711894021412225077:t2bot.ioaartvandelayy#9635 Alright, that sounds great! 13:58:50
@_discord_539837145993707552:t2bot.ioDeleted User 21ffe041 joined the room.20:41:12
@_discord_78870023283675136:t2bot.ioGobtip joined the room.22:18:19
@_discord_539837145993707552:t2bot.ioDeleted User 21ffe041 Yo that’s really great thank you 22:20:23

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