
Fedimint Off-Topic

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20 Nov 2023
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpcpw I tried it against Fedimint, but compiler was also panicking randomly all the time, so not ready yet. 😄 16:38:35
21 Nov 2023
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@_discord_920026924246511697:t2bot.iokodylow my wife can't say "Chaumian Ecash" without laughing becuase she thinks "Chaumian" sounds like a pokemon, so she made this today haha: 04:03:32
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpcpw Is that a Chaumiander? 05:32:27
@_discord_920026924246511697:t2bot.iokodylow that's what she named it 06:35:33
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle New ecash mascot. Nice. 13:49:43
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle https://damus.io/note12pys427mw4v843uggpjmunysymntl30yu0upfar9ccldlyfk26qqu09thh 13:49:48
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle More of this, please. My kids love it. 13:50:19
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle so a nix shell isn't just for dev env, it could for any sort of code execution environment? it's just well suited for dev env due to all the complex dependencies that come with it? 14:11:53
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle https://damus.io/note102avkv35zz05wct90wvkhekr3djdcg2skp6fau3jdmrk643sx2ns9u45ut

@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpcpw nix shell is just a shell where nix added certain things to the PATH and set up some other env variables 16:32:20
22 Nov 2023
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.805/articles/money/nsamint/nsamint.htm 01:06:13
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle Source: https://damus.io/note1937dnkvjalglyk7l7fy3jg5g298q48z4eyyv2j4csa0vg9uvfdeq2g48yw 01:06:34
@_discord_136237083571257351:t2bot.iotweetious joined the room.05:34:30
@_discord_920026924246511697:t2bot.iokodylow https://twitter.com/nixcraft/status/1727412404475326904 22:21:45
24 Nov 2023
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle https://damus.io/note1ezdl4ql5hd3yq0kfkvle5kulyc2x8evm2p76ptpjkz4vvfxt4l4q06jwvx

Fedimint support in Mutiny 👀👀

Hopefully done over the weekend.

@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle * https://damus.io/note1ezdl4ql5hd3yq0kfkvle5kulyc2x8evm2p76ptpjkz4vvfxt4l4q06jwvx
Fedimint support in Mutiny 👀👀

Hopefully done over the weekend.

@_discord_163301137297047552:t2bot.iosimonedare joined the room.21:35:28
@_discord_477380588936888330:t2bot.iookjodom Anyone going to https://www.afrobitcoin.org/ 2023? 22:27:58
27 Nov 2023
@_discord_892294628496265237:t2bot.iomayb_e I feel like I found it somewhere, but now I can't seem to again - what time zone are the weekly fedemint meetings listed in? 16:42:58
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.io.justinmoon https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=fedimintcalendar%40gmail.com 16:56:51
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle Check #rules-and-resources 17:13:38
@_discord_727956085255831632:t2bot.iomarcof71 joined the room.19:05:47
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.io.justinmoon laughed pretty hard at this one https://x.com/d0unbug/status/1729179141466128870?s=20 23:51:30
28 Nov 2023
@_discord_850430276597186590:t2bot.iosurfersol changed their display name from surfersol to surfersol..17:19:41
29 Nov 2023
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpcpw I don't get that Ocean stuff. Seems like a waste to do payouts on chain. I would rather get the payout streamed frequently via LN, than wait for 0.01 on chain. 17:14:12
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle it's a great study in marketing. 18:12:03
@_discord_1106217105772269692:t2bot.ioanansicom4708 joined the room.21:14:07
@_discord_920026924246511697:t2bot.iokodylow they're launching lightning payouts in 24 for exactly that, ideal payout would be FM excash tho , everybody knows 21:21:50
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle using the fedimint model of offloading LN frustrations to LSP or similar, from the sounds of it. 21:24:49

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