

34 Members
Fast matrix client. Always responsive tornadofx GUI. Type-safe api access in Kotlin with moshi and retrofit. Homepage: https://github.com/koma-im/koma6 Servers

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27 Feb 2018
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orgWith all that said, Kotlin is absolutely awesome.08:09:48
@sideboat:matrix.orgsideboat kitsune: i can understand java's reputation, but i don't think jvm hinders user experience, even python programs can be smooth 08:10:14
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orgAnd if I have a plugin for CLion/IDEA to talk Matrix, I'll be very interested in using it.08:10:22
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orgsideboat: I'm 10 years in the business. Java's reputation is for a reason.08:10:57
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orgAnd awesomeness of IDEA and, to some extent, Eclipse is despite of JVM's appetites, rather than because JVM gives something other platforms can't give.08:12:26
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orgAlthough yes, Maven has done what decades of C++ being around couldn't.08:12:45
* @kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.org finished with ranting around :)08:13:04
@hermitran:matrix.orghermitran sideboat: i think the problem is that most projects where java was used didn't care much about user experience 08:14:28
@hermitran:matrix.orghermitran kitsune: I find many android apps are fast enough 08:15:52
@lowee:matrix.org@lowee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event08:16:20
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orghermitran: Because Android is built around a Java VM?08:16:27
@lowee:matrix.org@lowee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event08:16:48
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orgSimilarly, Java Server Pages absolutely rock when it comes to enterprise web applications.08:17:12
@hermitran:matrix.orghermitran kitsune: ah, probably more of "despite", but it shows what's possible 08:17:24
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orgThat's not so much "despite", because Sun was very much into hardware business, and making its customers buy more memory was quite in its interests :)08:18:19
@lowee:matrix.org@lowee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event08:18:27
@hermitran:matrix.orghermitran nepugia: i heard that jvm is probably the most advanced vm, i don't think Android can make a vm language native 08:18:30
@kitsune:matrix.org@kitsune:matrix.orgAnd enterprise web applications are greedy beasts no matter in which language they are written.08:18:50
@lowee:matrix.org@lowee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event08:19:05
@hermitran:matrix.orghermitran invited @unlmtd:matrix.org@unlmtd:matrix.org.08:21:23
@lowee:matrix.org@lowee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event08:22:44
@lowee:matrix.org@lowee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event08:24:02
@max:kamax.io@max:kamax.io sideboat: Your feedback would be appreciated on this proposal as a client dev! 09:38:26
@max:kamax.io@max:kamax.ioand btw, happy to see another JVM-based client! Feel free to look around at https://github.com/kamax-io for our own Java projects, including a client SDK. hopefully we can synergy together on some items09:39:46
@sideboat:matrix.orgsideboat changed the room topic to "Fast matrix client. Always responsive tornadofx GUI. Type-safe api access in Kotlin with moshi and retrofit. Homepage: https://github.com/koma-im/koma" from "Fast matrix client for the desktop. Always responsive native GUI. Written in Kotlin. Homepage: https://github.com/koma-im/koma".09:48:54
@sideboat:matrix.orgsideboat nepugia: yeah, a kotlin version of the matrix api is bound to happen. Moshi is being used in this project and it seems to be quite popular among Android developers as well, i hope that this project turns out helpful there as well 09:52:02
@sideboat:matrix.orgsideboat Maximus: thanks, i'll look into it 09:52:13
@lowee:matrix.org@lowee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event10:31:07
28 Feb 2018
@tuplechan:matrix.orgtuplechan joined the room.08:48:55
@radicus:matrix.orgradicus nepugia: it should be the default but sadly openjdk doesn't always work out of the box. Are you using a non-Latin language? 08:59:48

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