

34 Members
Fast matrix client. Always responsive tornadofx GUI. Type-safe api access in Kotlin with moshi and retrofit. Homepage: https://github.com/koma-im/koma6 Servers

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15 Nov 2018
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] hawkowl commented on druig's issue #5: Implement fully spec-compliant registration process - https://github.com/koma-im/koma/issues/5 23:05:47
16 Nov 2018
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] druig commented on druig's issue #5: Implement fully spec-compliant registration process - https://github.com/koma-im/koma/issues/5 01:03:58
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] druig opened pull request #6: Implementing account registration correctly [open] - https://github.com/koma-im/koma/pull/6 01:18:26
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] aaronraimist commented on benparsons's issue #4: Update docs to help people coming from zero Java installations to get koma running - https://github.com/koma-im/koma/issues/4 02:12:10
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] aaronraimist opened issue #7: Add screenshot [open] - https://github.com/koma-im/koma/issues/7 22:38:30
6 Dec 2018
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] druig pushed 11 commits to master: https://github.com/koma-im/koma/commit/9de5dcf1d83eeadd51d2059af390b6b887cd5519
druig: warn invalid protocol
druig: window size
druig: create registration window
druig: fix GUI thread
druig: auth stage fallback. WIP
druig: pretty display auth stage type
druig: auth stage continuation
druig: rename variables
druig: Exception message
druig: register using password
druig: start chat window after getting account
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] beatpm closed pull request #6: Implementing account registration correctly [closed] - https://github.com/koma-im/koma/pull/6 02:58:48
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] druig opened pull request #8: moshi-codegen [open] - https://github.com/koma-im/koma/pull/8 08:35:09
20 Dec 2018
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] druig pushed 11 commits to master: https://github.com/koma-im/koma/commit/80fb98e4af0635a2e976bf2d377bcb299421d2d9
druig: new event type
druig: moshi codegen
druig: convert all java code
druig: merge PrettyListView
druig: update
druig: simple m.message adapter
druig: use RuntimeJsonAdapterFactory less
druig: unknown type of message as map
druig: rewrite RoomEvent adapter
druig: delete RuntimeJsonAdapterFactory
druig: log http proxy error
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] beatpm closed pull request #8: moshi-codegen [closed] - https://github.com/koma-im/koma/pull/8 08:05:21
@_neb_github_=40radicus=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@radicus:matrix.org] (deprecated) [koma-im/koma] rinfuyu pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/koma-im/koma/commit/9fb359b7fa085576f98710619c44b60cc733fe78
druig: add logger slf4j
druig: give up upon receiving error from server
rinfuyu: enum fallback to null
rinfuyu: split off matrix client api codes
2 Jan 2019
@aaron:raim.istAaron joined the room.03:05:30
3 Jan 2019
@koma-bot1:matrix.orgkoma-bot1 joined the room.13:27:27
@druig:matrix.orgdruig koma-bot1: hi 13:46:08
@koma-bot1:matrix.orgkoma-bot1I'm a simple weather bot based on https://github.com/koma-im Mention me and use the word 'weather' and city name, for example: weather london13:46:09
@druig:matrix.orgdruig koma-bot1: Bristol weather 13:46:43
@koma-bot1:matrix.orgkoma-bot1druig: Weather for Bristol: overcast clouds Temperature=277.17K Humidity=74.0 Cloudy=90.0% Wind=3.1m/s, 90.0°13:46:54
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrix koma-bot1: London weather 13:47:14
@koma-bot1:matrix.orgkoma-bot1benpa: Weather for London: overcast clouds Temperature=277.78K Humidity=72.0 Cloudy=90.0% Wind=2.1m/s, 340.0°13:47:22
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrix koma-bot1: Reston weather 13:47:38
@koma-bot1:matrix.orgkoma-bot1benpa: Weather for Reston: clear sky Temperature=279.33K Humidity=86.0 Cloudy=1.0% Wind=4.7m/s, 320.002°13:47:46
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrix druig: is this a bot or are you replying? ;) 13:48:17
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrixworks well! might need to convert units from kelvin!13:48:41
@druig:matrix.orgdruig benpa: it's a bot using the normal client api, so it looks like a user 13:49:26
@druig:matrix.orgdruigThe bot was running on a desktop computer. There are some issues when running it on a remote virtual server. It has to go offline for a while, sorry14:54:48
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrix ttyl koma-bot1 14:57:24
8 Jan 2019
@koma-bot1:matrix.orgkoma-bot1benpa: Failed to get weather for London: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: Read timed out08:21:06
@koma-bot1:matrix.orgkoma-bot1benpa: Failed to get weather for Reston: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: Read timed out08:21:07
@koma-bot1:matrix.orgkoma-bot1benpa: Weather for Reston: overcast clouds Temperature=276.95K Humidity=86.0 Cloudy=90.0% Wind=5.04m/s, 195.501°09:43:06

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