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25 Jul 2024
@jimjones:hackliberty.orgjimjones set a profile picture.18:12:11
@royaltiger:matrix.org@royaltiger:matrix.org left the room.19:06:16
@zok:hackliberty.orgzok joined the room.21:45:44
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:09:36
26 Jul 2024

S2 Underground

The Wire - July 25, 2024

//The Wire//2030Z July 25, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: RUSSIAN, CHINESE BOMBERS INTERCEPTED IN ALASKA ADIZ. IRAN MAKES MAJOR PROGRESS WITH RAIL LOGISTICS NETWORKS. INDICATORS MOUNT REGARDING POTENTIAL ISRAELI INVASION OF LEBANON.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Western Asia: Iran celebrated the opening of the Rasht-Caspian Railway, a major rail project in Iran’s northern Gilan province. High ranking Russian officials were present at the inauguration event in the Iranian city...

@5goes4numb:hackliberty.org5goes4numb joined the room.04:47:57
@5noesnumb1:hackliberty.org5noesnumb1 joined the room.04:51:09
@kurg4dulewinis661:hackliberty.orgkurg4dulewinis661 joined the room.04:57:22
@cynic:hackliberty.orgcynic 🏴‍☠️ changed their display name from cynic to cynic 🏴‍☠️.04:59:58
@comrade.scoundrel:matrix.org@comrade.scoundrel:matrix.org joined the room.06:55:46
@securitybrahh:arcticfoxes.netsecuritybrahh set a profile picture.05:18:52
@comrade.scoundrel:matrix.org@comrade.scoundrel:matrix.org joined the room.06:56:04
@comrade.scoundrel:matrix.org@comrade.scoundrel:matrix.org left the room.06:56:38
@nexrex:hackliberty.orgnexrex joined the room.11:07:36
@ghddth:hackliberty.orgghddth joined the room.12:42:17
@nxipomsx:hackliberty.orgnxipomsx joined the room.14:26:35
@magic:hackliberty.org@magic:hackliberty.org changed their display name from magic to maybe tomorrow.14:39:13
@magic:hackliberty.org@magic:hackliberty.org left the room.15:45:15
@colonel:hackliberty.orgcolonel joined the room.16:05:21
@colonel:hackliberty.orgcolonel set a profile picture.16:12:46
@edward777lucky:hackliberty.orgedward777lucky joined the room.16:59:31
@marc:hackliberty.org@marc:hackliberty.org joined the room.18:01:01
@marc:hackliberty.org@marc:hackliberty.org left the room.18:05:50

S2 Underground

The Wire - July 26, 2024

//The Wire//2100Z July 26, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: FRENCH RAIL NETWORK SABOTAGED AS OLYMPICS BEGIN. PENTAGON IT PROVIDER IMPACTED BY DATA BREACH AND DOCUMENT LEAK.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Europe: The Olympic Games began today in Paris. Security has been tight over the past few weeks leading up to the event, as the risk of terrorism remains persistently elevated throughout Europe. This morning, the TGV high-speed rail network was targeted by malign actors, who shu...

@yayanarchy:matrix.orgyayanarchy set a profile picture.20:52:23
27 Jul 2024
@bbrcrab:hackliberty.orgbbrcrab joined the room.06:18:49
@chetthebussdriver:hackliberty.orgA new arrival changed their display name from Thugu Shhaker to A new arrival.07:47:23
@chetthebussdriver:hackliberty.orgA new arrival changed their profile picture.07:52:32
@dragonbreath:hackliberty.orgdragonbreath joined the room.09:58:03
@s2kh:hackliberty.orgs2kh joined the room.13:02:12

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