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CCOVID-19 Mutual Aid General Discussion22 Servers

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25 Jul 2021
@saviortime:matrix.org@saviortime:matrix.org joined the room.06:58:51
@saviortime:matrix.org@saviortime:matrix.orgUse NCOV COVID To Defeat All Corrupt Governments & Bad Entities, Save The People If you want to defeat all the corrupt governments worldwide and all bad groups/entities/beings, then you must read this article. The current on going virus pandemic is a golden opportunity to strike to unmask and defeat all stupid beings because they are lying, deceiving the people, while the public is angry and not in the comfort zone of life. Full article at: https://ultimatesavior.wordpress.com/2021/07/25/use-ncov-covid-to-defeat-all-corrupt-governments-bad-entities-save-the-people/ https://finalsavior.livejournal.com/8242.html http://finalsavior.aimoo.com/topic/Use_NCOV_COVID_To_Defeat_All_Corrupt_Governments___Bad_Entities__Save_The_People-823856-22491-107:04:05
@saviortime:matrix.org@saviortime:matrix.org left the room.07:05:26
8 Aug 2021
@manoplas420:matrix.orgMontse joined the room.23:25:11
15 Aug 2021
@bustrouffi:matrix.orgbustrouffi joined the room.23:11:42
19 Aug 2021
@mattmadness:matrix.org@mattmadness:matrix.org joined the room.19:07:24
@mattmadness:matrix.org@mattmadness:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:08:28
22 Aug 2021
@mattmadness:matrix.org@mattmadness:matrix.org left the room.21:36:22
9 Sep 2021
@pawel777:matrix.orgPawel joined the room.13:08:23
27 Sep 2021
Download IMG_20210927_203843.jpg
@_slack_covid19-mutualaid_U0106V0EBEG:matrix.orgRob Miller And the worst part is, when those same unvaxxed idiots start to get really sick, they run and cry and whine to the same medical professionals that they didn’t believe before and DEMAND to be healed by them. 18:46:05
29 Sep 2021
@manoplas420:matrix.orgMontse changed their profile picture.05:28:16
7 Oct 2021
8 Oct 2021
@pawel777:matrix.orgPawelThat is one of many reasons why I donate to TheHighwire.com https://thehighwire.com/videos/ican-set-to-sue-ca-governor-newsom/13:57:13
11 Oct 2021
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration 15:59:16
12 Oct 2021
@marm814:matrix.org@marm814:matrix.org joined the room.08:25:24
@exec_cosmoflips:matrix.orgexec_cosmoflips joined the room.22:41:46
18 Oct 2021
@pawel777:matrix.orgPawelMy brother in law has a polish friend in UK who is driving cistern tanks with petrol and 2-3 weeks ago or whenever the whole fuel crisis started on the news (lol) his boss told him and others drivers to go on a paid holiday for 2 weeks... !! Then they say there is shortage of drivers and the fuel crisis.... I wish someone could interview them somehow and get the evidence.. i doubt they would speak on camera as they could lose their job, but hidden camera Project Veritas style, I think it could work.13:45:03
23 Oct 2021
@de-facto:matrix.org@de-facto:matrix.org joined the room.03:34:24
24 Oct 2021
@pawel777:matrix.orgPawelICAN as always doing great work exposing the lack of scientific approach within health authorities. I highly recommend supporting them. https://www.icandecide.org/ican_press/ican-eviscerates-cdc-in-formal-exchange-regarding-natural-immunity/ 03:42:07
26 Oct 2021
@sporkhero4:matrix.org@sporkhero4:matrix.org joined the room.19:00:28
20 Nov 2021
@pawel777:matrix.orgPawel2 protesters being shot dead during freedom protest in Rotterdam - Netherlands. Your can see one of them being murdered in this video I guess. Take a good look. Does it now remind you of Nazi Germany? I don't know what did he do to deserve being killed (in newspapers they said it was a life threatening situation for the police - in this video I cannot see that it was at this particular moment, but maybe there is something I don't know about). Regardless, the bottom line is, if you take away people basic human rights, the right to feed their family etc. you cannot not expect them not to protest, to just accept it. Now my question to you.. which side are you on, the people or the Nazi side? I hope it will come to Nuremberg 2.0 trials and anyone who supported these totalitarian covid measures in any shape or form will rot in jail.07:43:20
23 Nov 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev left the room.01:30:32
@pawel777:matrix.orgPawelAny graphic designers / video editors here who can edit a video and add some effects to it? I am looking to add a hitler mustache to one video/speech of a politician... maybe some other effects - perhaps someone can help or do it for a some payment? :) 09:33:30
30 Nov 2021
@nowearnotear:matrix.orgnowearnotear joined the room.04:09:13
4 Dec 2021
@sporkhero4:matrix.org@sporkhero4:matrix.org left the room.21:14:48
21 Dec 2021
@pawel777:matrix.orgPawelThis is why I donate money to The Highwire (Informed Consent Action Network) whenever I can. They are taking legal actions and often winning... They are doing the work that needs to be done! I would like to encourage you to support them (10euro a month or whatever) - the more fraud they expose (like they often do) in US, the less medical communism we will see in all countries in the world.. for some reason most of the world seems to blindly follow the "health" institutions in US... https://www.icandecide.org/ican_press/ican-funded-lawsuit-strikes-down-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-for-san-diego-schools/02:12:35
@af.21:matrix.orgaf.21 joined the room.19:46:33
25 Jan 2022
@matt:matrix.lorentz.is@matt:matrix.lorentz.is changed their profile picture.20:18:23

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