

70 Members
CCOVID-19 Mutual Aid General Discussion22 Servers

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27 Jan 2021
@mirsal:1312.mediamirsal ✨that's a global mutual aid efforts coordination effort that was set up at the beginning of the pandemic. It used to provide a way for people involved in emergency relief when most social services got shut down or unable to operate properly under lockdowns23:46:02
@mirsal:1312.mediamirsal ✨ * that's a global mutual aid efforts coordination group that was set up at the beginning of the pandemic. It used to provide a way for people involved in emergency relief when most social services got shut down or unable to operate properly under lockdowns23:46:09
@mirsal:1312.mediamirsal ✨ * that's a global mutual aid efforts coordination group that was set up at the beginning of the pandemic. It used to provide a way for people involved in emergency relief to organise when most social services got shut down or unable to operate properly under lockdowns23:46:24
@mirsal:1312.mediamirsal ✨ * that's a global mutual aid efforts coordination group that was set up at the beginning of the pandemic. It used to provide a way for people involved in emergency relief to organise when most social services got shut down or unable to operate properly under lockdowns23:46:53
@chase1020:matrix.org@chase1020:matrix.org left the room.23:48:08
28 Jan 2021
@oyvey:matrix.org@oyvey:matrix.org left the room.21:05:04
6 Feb 2021
@sesh:feneas.org@sesh:feneas.org 19:12:14
8 Feb 2021
@de-facto:matrix.org@de-facto:matrix.org joined the room.04:39:55
16 Feb 2021
@vanessa:nltrix.net@vanessa:nltrix.net 07:51:32
@vanessa:nltrix.net@vanessa:nltrix.net removed their display name vanessa.07:53:35
@vanessa:nltrix.net@vanessa:nltrix.net left the room.08:46:06
22 Feb 2021
@al3xth3k1d:matrix.orgal3xth3k1d joined the room.10:43:30
8 Mar 2021
@vervain:matrix.orgvervain set a profile picture.05:46:20
@vervain:matrix.orgvervainCan anyone link me to resources for people in Norway or other Nordic countries?06:51:29
13 Apr 2021
@veysel1landa:matrix.org@veysel1landa:matrix.org joined the room.16:30:16
27 Apr 2021
@veysel1landa:matrix.org@veysel1landa:matrix.org changed their display name from Veysel İrlanda to v1landa.01:03:08
29 Apr 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev joined the room.07:45:29
30 Apr 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev changed their display name from Server Stats Discoverer (bot) to Server Stats Discoverer (traveler bot).17:15:56
3 May 2021
@xade_eulor:matrix.org@xade_eulor:matrix.org changed their display name from xade_eulor to anon38725.05:04:33
4 May 2021
@xade_eulor:matrix.org@xade_eulor:matrix.org changed their display name from anon38725 to anon2795.09:18:27
@xade_eulor:matrix.org@xade_eulor:matrix.org left the room.09:19:01
11 May 2021
@astromahdi:matrix.orgastromahdi changed their profile picture.02:01:41
@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev set a profile picture.12:40:10
29 May 2021
@solobarracuda:matrix.org@solobarracuda:matrix.org joined the room.01:08:20
@solobarracuda:matrix.org@solobarracuda:matrix.org left the room.01:20:21
6 Jun 2021
@veysel1landa:matrix.org@veysel1landa:matrix.org changed their profile picture.03:28:45
8 Jun 2021
@veysel1landa:matrix.org@veysel1landa:matrix.org changed their profile picture.21:46:26
13 Jul 2021
@toomad:matrix.orgtoomad joined the room.10:44:47
16 Jul 2021
@veysel1landa:matrix.org@veysel1landa:matrix.org left the room.17:08:45
19 Jul 2021
@de-facto:matrix.org@de-facto:matrix.org left the room.09:58:15

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