
Synapse Installation Guide Feedback

150 Members
Feedback and discussion about the recommended synapse installation guide: https://www.natrius.eu/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=digital:server:matrixsynapse50 Servers

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4 Jun 2021
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusI'm btw. not changing the default nginx config, i'm creating a new one explicitely. 17:09:00
@natrius:matrix.orgnatrius reading again 17:09:04
@_neb_rssbot_=40natrius=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@natrius:matrix.org] NaWiki:
Matrix Synapse - [Step 2 - Install Synapse]
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusWell, they explained it weirdly and with too much information and i never to it running as well. Thats why i wrote my guide as well, to be honest. 17:09:43
@natrius:matrix.orgnatrius(Even when i do not disagree, i appreciate your input immensly! Just to be clear :) )17:11:39
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekhmmmm.... i'm still looking for Matthew's guide actually (there was a Youtube version, too, i'll look there) .............. but just the fact that i can't actually find it with a search such as "how to install matrix synapse" shows how inaccessible getting a Synapse server really is.....17:11:49
@dalek:matrix.orgDalek(And a also greatly appreciate your documentation effort, and my comments are really just intended as helpful input...... not to mention an offer to contribue actual work to the effert, too)17:12:38
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekAha! this is Matthew's attempt : https://matrix.org/blog/2020/04/06/running-your-own-secure-communication-service-with-matrix-and-jitsi17:14:36
@natrius:matrix.orgnatrius quartermonk: Added what you mentioned at Troubleshooting btw. and i'm thinking about adding it in the main-guide because i'm sure quite some people are going to send stuff... 17:17:25
@natrius:matrix.orgnatrius Dalek: I dunno, if i go to youtube.com and enter install matrix synapse its the first video 17:18:24
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusif i'm guessing correct17:18:30
@_neb_rssbot_=40natrius=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@natrius:matrix.org] NaWiki:
Matrix Synapse - Troubleshooting - added part about sending images
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekyeah, i searched on DuckDuckGo first off, and did not find it.... But yeah, if you go search directly on Youtube, you find his video version quickly, and the Web page link is there ..... it's true ;-)17:19:43
@natrius:matrix.orgnatrius even with the duckduckgo bang it works. I suggest !yt install matrix synapse if you don't know 17:20:51
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusPretty usefull17:20:57
@dalek:matrix.orgDalek@natrius i take it you are a member of the project team, is that right?17:21:08
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusNot at all :D17:21:16
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekah ok...... well if i get my homeserver up and running properly, I sincerely promise to the world that I am going to ensure that i document it in the mother of all Matrix how-to's17:22:44
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusElement aside, with what part are there problems currently?17:26:53
@dalek:matrix.orgDaleklemme see....17:29:04
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekit kind of depends what level of knowledge you expect your reader to have...... if the person has some previous experience in digging into the guts of a Linux server, he/she will probably be able te extrapolate where necessary...... but if we're talking about a nube who really needs a take-me-by-the-hand beginner's guide then there are a lot of points where they will not be able to join up the dots......17:32:52
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekFor instance : "registration_shared_secret: [shared_secred_key]" 17:33:23
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekAn experienced user will figure out that you need to insert the output of the preceding command to generate the sectret...... but a less-experienced user might not.....17:34:29
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekIn this kind of guide, you need to decide what the level of expertise of your target audience is, and then really take them by the hand, step by step..... Digital Ocean often succeed at this in their guides....... Linuxbabe sometimes dose as well...... but other writers do not always manage.....17:36:37
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekPersonally, i set my whole server up following dummy's guides, so i have some experience there as a professional dummy :-D17:37:56
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekWhen i go te matrix.dalek.zone and log in as a dalek.zone user, and then I try to search for rooms on matrix.org, i get this error: Matrix rooms (matrix.org) Failed to find any key to satisfy: _FetchKeyRequest(server_name='dalek.zone', minimum_valid_until_ts=1622828667868, key_ids=['ed25519:a_srig'])17:46:06
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekgot any tips about that?17:46:17

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