
Synapse Installation Guide Feedback

150 Members
Feedback and discussion about the recommended synapse installation guide: https://www.natrius.eu/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=digital:server:matrixsynapse49 Servers

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4 Jun 2021
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekah, yes.... RTFM n'est pas ? 😀 Thank you16:13:57
@dalek:matrix.orgDalek natrius: I'm guessing you're the author, am i right? 16:16:37
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekI promise to feed back.... i like your Wiki theme.... best i've ever seen.... That's MediaWiki ?16:20:05
@dalek:matrix.orgDalek👍️ looks good16:21:05
@dalek:matrix.orgDaleki run 'ss -plntu' and get a lot of output, because i already have quite a lot of stuff running on my server.... it would be cool to provide a command filtered through grep (for instance) so that i only see out output that actually interest me in this case, about Matrix Synapse..... (HTH with the comments, it's intended to be constructive feedback not carping...... i'm a professional tech documentation writer if you want some contributed collaboration on this)16:27:28
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanJust blurt out with your ciritque and don't hold back. :)16:28:20
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanNo need to apoligize and whatever. 16:28:33
@dalek:matrix.orgDalek;-) ok .................... netstat -lnpt gives more-readable output16:29:06
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekand even that could be grep'ed just to return the relevant info16:29:38
@dalek:matrix.orgDalek"Synapse is now up and running using the default configuration on port '8008' and '8448'. Check the open ports using ss (former netstat) command." At the end of step 2, I only have Synapse running on .............. nothing at all on 8448 as yet.......... 16:33:17
@natrius:matrix.orgStefannetstat is old, thats why its ss now16:33:35
@natrius:matrix.orgStefandeprecated (forgot the word :D )16:33:47
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanUh, you are correct, 8448 is now gone as well. 16:34:30
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanWhat do you use for your work on docs? latex? Out of curiosity. 16:34:47
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekwell, i usually just use Word from Office 365...... or Trados if i'm translating documentation (my core profession is technical translation)16:36:22
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekmaybe netstat is "deprecated" ;-) but ss is returning so much verbose output it's mind-blowing for a newbie :-D16:38:29
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanI'm sure we can work on that :)16:41:48
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekI gave it all a quick read through before i actually start my installation... In reality, I already have Synaps installed but broken, so I need to follow your guide and make sure my installation is 'aligned' on it as regards the important points.... I think i could indeed make some helpful contributions here..... For a start. "After the Synapse installation, we will configure it to run under the local IP address" ......... Well, in reality, most people don't have any use for running Synapse as a local instance...... What they want to do, is to put it on the Web, on a real IP address,. In my own case, I have it on a server that has half a dozen IP addresses, so the 'default server' configuration of Nginx does not help me..... I need the configuration tailored for one particular IP address16:49:33
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekAlso, reading the guide, one of my main confusions is not addressed: I have my Synapse running on an IP address (exposing Synapse on dalek.zone) ........ But I also have Element running on the same IP address but a DIFFERENT DOMAIN...... matrix.dalek.zone ........... so i find homeserver.yaml to be very confusing as regards where it refers to the actual Matrix Synaps and where it refers to the client Element...............16:52:53
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanBasically everything is exclusively synapse. 16:53:51
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanNo clue how you get that anything has to do with element. 16:54:15
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanI mention in the last step "now login in the client" as far as i remember :D16:54:36
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanTo the ip-problem, i get what you mean, i think16:55:37
@natrius:matrix.orgStefangive me a sec16:56:16
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanThe point of my guide is to get up and running on your own server as fast as possible without to much explanation. 16:56:56
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanIf someone has a server with a lot of ip adresses and a nginx running my conclusion is: not a newb, should get up a custom nginx for an URL16:57:25
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanBut i will think about it. 16:57:53

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