
Synapse Installation Guide Feedback

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Feedback and discussion about the recommended synapse installation guide: https://www.natrius.eu/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=digital:server:matrixsynapse53 Servers

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4 Jun 2021

Have a look at this stanza in homeserver.yaml :

"# The absolute URL to the web client which /_matrix/client will redirect

to if 'webclient' is configured under the 'listeners' configuration.

This option can be also set to the filesystem path to the web client

which will be served at /_matrix/client/ if 'webclient' is configured

under the 'listeners' configuration, however this is a security risk:


#web_client_location: https://riot.example.com/

It refers to the client......... that is the point where my brain falis to compute.

@natrius:matrix.orgStefanIf you don't host your own element, you can ignore it. 17:00:06
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanIf you host your own element, i don't have a clue because i never set element up actually :/17:00:34
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanAnd because element is not set up in the guide, i don't mention it. 17:00:57
In reply to @dalek:matrix.org
I gave it all a quick read through before i actually start my installation...
In reality, I already have Synaps installed but broken, so I need to follow your guide and make sure my installation is 'aligned' on it as regards the important points....

I think i could indeed make some helpful contributions here.....

For a start. "After the Synapse installation, we will configure it to run under the local IP address" ......... Well, in reality, most people don't have any use for running Synapse as a local instance...... What they want to do, is to put it on the Web, on a real IP address,.

In my own case, I have it on a server that has half a dozen IP addresses, so the 'default server' configuration of Nginx does not help me..... I need the configuration tailored for one particular IP address
Well, after step 3 its not just a local IP adress anymore.
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanChanging the old 'port 8448' now btw. 17:03:50
@dalek:matrix.orgDaleki really appreciate your desire to get a user up and running, but this is precisely a subject that could do with some detailed explanation...... i have not yet found a single how-to that gets me properly up and running ........ There is one by Matthew Hodgson where he tries valiantly to break out of his geek world and communicate with the masses............. but does not quite succeed..... ;-) I would really like to help out here, because we could get a lot more people running homeservers if they could properly succeed..... For me, not only do i want to run a homeserver, i also want to run a client I'm reading what you say 😀 How can I contribute back some work on this guide?17:04:06
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanWell, i talked with mathew and for some time my guide was the official guide until they updated their readme properly :)17:05:14
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanAnd, quite some people got up and running.17:05:34
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekLemme find Matthew's guide..... brb....17:05:44
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanI kinda get what you mean but i explicitely decided i do NOT want to explain everything in detail or cover various usecases. Because quite some other guides do that already. 17:06:16
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanAnd it got me annoyed, thats why i wrote my guide at all :D17:06:44
@dalek:matrix.orgDaleki'm surprised you say that..... so far i did not find a single guide that got me properly up and running....... i don't need a simplified guide, i need a detailed and rich explananion ;-)17:08:07
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanI'm btw. not changing the default nginx config, i'm creating a new one explicitely. 17:09:00
@natrius:matrix.orgStefan reading again 17:09:04
@_neb_rssbot_=40natrius=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@natrius:matrix.org] NaWiki:
Matrix Synapse - [Step 2 - Install Synapse]
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanWell, they explained it weirdly and with too much information and i never to it running as well. Thats why i wrote my guide as well, to be honest. 17:09:43
@natrius:matrix.orgStefan(Even when i do not disagree, i appreciate your input immensly! Just to be clear :) )17:11:39
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekhmmmm.... i'm still looking for Matthew's guide actually (there was a Youtube version, too, i'll look there) .............. but just the fact that i can't actually find it with a search such as "how to install matrix synapse" shows how inaccessible getting a Synapse server really is.....17:11:49
@dalek:matrix.orgDalek(And a also greatly appreciate your documentation effort, and my comments are really just intended as helpful input...... not to mention an offer to contribue actual work to the effert, too)17:12:38
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekAha! this is Matthew's attempt : https://matrix.org/blog/2020/04/06/running-your-own-secure-communication-service-with-matrix-and-jitsi17:14:36
@natrius:matrix.orgStefan quartermonk: Added what you mentioned at Troubleshooting btw. and i'm thinking about adding it in the main-guide because i'm sure quite some people are going to send stuff... 17:17:25
@natrius:matrix.orgStefan Dalek: I dunno, if i go to youtube.com and enter install matrix synapse its the first video 17:18:24
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanif i'm guessing correct17:18:30
@_neb_rssbot_=40natrius=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@natrius:matrix.org] NaWiki:
Matrix Synapse - Troubleshooting - added part about sending images
@dalek:matrix.orgDalekyeah, i searched on DuckDuckGo first off, and did not find it.... But yeah, if you go search directly on Youtube, you find his video version quickly, and the Web page link is there ..... it's true ;-)17:19:43
@natrius:matrix.orgStefan even with the duckduckgo bang it works. I suggest !yt install matrix synapse if you don't know 17:20:51
@natrius:matrix.orgStefanPretty usefull17:20:57
@dalek:matrix.orgDalek@natrius i take it you are a member of the project team, is that right?17:21:08

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