
Synapse Installation Guide Feedback

157 Members
Feedback and discussion about the recommended synapse installation guide: https://www.natrius.eu/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=digital:server:matrixsynapse56 Servers

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12 Jun 2020
@lindalap:matrix.orgLinda btw natrius, your guide is still missing Pin-Priority: 100 08:18:52
In reply to @aaron:raim.ist

Yeah so see there in bind_addresses, it is trying to use ipv6.

Remove '::1'

probably bad advice to remove/disable IPv6 support
@lindalap:matrix.orgLinda on localhost interface 08:20:36
In reply to @lindalap:matrix.org
oh, what. it's written as sudo ss -plntu in the guide, natrius.
In reply to @lindalap:matrix.org
btw natrius, your guide is still missing Pin-Priority: 100
In reply to @lindalap:matrix.org

Also for Debian issues: Here's Riot.im repo setup securely on my laptop (manually, no package available):

$ ls -l /usr/local/share/keyrings/riot-archive-keyring.asc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 12626 Feb 16 02:13 /usr/local/share/keyrings/riot-archive-keyring.asc
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/riot.sources
Types: deb deb-src
URIs: https://riot.im/packages/debian/
Suites: sid
Components: main
Signed-By: /usr/local/share/keyrings/riot-archive-keyring.asc
$ cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/riot.pref
Package: *
Pin: origin riot.im
Pin-Priority: 100
see here
In reply to @lindalap:matrix.org

Don't forget to install the apt_preferences(5) file (upstream forgets to document this):

Package: *
Pin: origin packages.matrix.org
Pin-Priority: 100
see here (also 2019)
In reply to @natrius:matrix.org
sudo not required
@lindalap:matrix.orgLindaI was particularly angry last night at UpCloud's guide doing everything possibly imaginably wrong or insecure. Thanks for maintaining this guide.08:23:00
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusOha, thanks.08:24:31
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusWill change bit later and will look into pin08:25:00
@lindalap:matrix.orgLindaAn APT auto-configuring Debian/Ubuntu package when? 😁08:28:12
@lindalap:matrix.orgLinda"Automatic configuration", "Manual installation"08:29:03
@lindalap:matrix.orgLindathe basis of such package I already wrote a year or two ago, unfortunately it wasn't updated for the keyring package or new keys08:30:08
@bart:converser.eubart joined the room.16:06:12
13 Jun 2020
@patryk:junta.plpatryk left the room.16:29:45
@sabin:tchncs.desabin 17:41:52
@edward:privacytools.ioedward joined the room.19:33:31
@patrick:chat.weho.stpatrick joined the room.19:41:02
In reply to @lindalap:matrix.org
  1. you don't need sudo for that
  2. thanks for using ss instead of deprecated netstat
  3. the address is already in use for that interface, or something else.
Thanks for the response. Turns out there was a problem binding to ipv6, so I removed the ipv6 bind in homeserver.yaml and it started right up.
@sacerdos:matrix.orgsacerdosDoes anyone know if there's a way to password protect Jitsi and have it still work with Riot?20:07:22
@sacerdos:matrix.orgsacerdos * Does anyone know if there's a way to password protect Jitsi and have it still work with Riot, e.g. require username/password to host a meeting, but still allow Riot to use Jitsi as well? Is there a way to give Riot a Jitsi username? :-)20:08:37
14 Jun 2020
In reply to @sacerdos:matrix.org
Does anyone know if there's a way to password protect Jitsi and have it still work with Riot, e.g. require username/password to host a meeting, but still allow Riot to use Jitsi as well? Is there a way to give Riot a Jitsi username? :-)


have fun hacking a custom build of Riot, I suppose

@lindalap:matrix.orgLindaand it'd be limited to Synapse, because only that has LDAP05:30:19
In reply to @sacerdos:matrix.org
Does anyone know if there's a way to password protect Jitsi and have it still work with Riot, e.g. require username/password to host a meeting, but still allow Riot to use Jitsi as well? Is there a way to give Riot a Jitsi username? :-)


have fun hacking a custom build of Riot, I suppose

@josefa:bau-ha.usjosefa joined the room.07:50:10
@lothar:matrix.kiwifarms.netlothar joined the room.08:31:29
@pavel:sibnsk.netpavel joined the room.09:10:21
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@pavel:sibnsk.netpavel 18:20:03

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