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https://peerfreedom.org Polska przestrzeń: #polska-przestrzen:matrix.org23 Servers

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28 Jan 2021
@ubermenschoftheshadow:midov.plubermenschoftheshadow joined the room.06:03:16
@one_ping:matrix.orgone_ping joined the room.23:56:32
31 Jan 2021
@rocoroc:matrix.orgrocoroc joined the room.04:36:25
@one_ping:matrix.orgone_ping left the room.15:34:53
1 Feb 2021
@kurusu:matrix.orgOlga joined the room.01:16:07
28 Feb 2021
@hombre:tchncs.dehombre joined the room.18:51:30
14 Mar 2021
@juan:midov.pljuan joined the room.10:09:01
26 Mar 2021
@libreshack:midov.pl#LibreShack joined the room.12:04:31
@ksiezak:matrix.orgTomasz KsiężakRedacted or Malformed Event20:09:46
27 Mar 2021
@boys:midov.plgraybeard joined the room.10:42:25
28 Mar 2021
@libreshack:midov.pl#LibreShack left the room.16:05:22
30 Mar 2021
@ponfponf:midov.plponfponf joined the room.20:24:31
1 Apr 2021
@mycopod:midov.plmycopod joined the room.19:25:22
@mycopod:midov.plmycopod left the room.19:26:28
8 Apr 2021

All AMD CPUs leak to the military over radio because of BadBIOS circuitry. This is my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer.

The same way AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can also be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS vastly nastier than Stuxnet.

American military made a grave mistake to partner with the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.

9 Apr 2021
@jeremy.leider:envs.netjeremy.leider joined the room.15:11:49
27 Apr 2021
@jeremy.leider:envs.netjeremy.leider 07:40:30
@jeremy.leider:envs.netjeremy.leider removed their display name jeremy.leider.07:40:31
@jeremy.leider:envs.netjeremy.leider left the room.07:40:33
13 May 2021
@boys:midov.plgraybeard changed their display name from boys to graybeard.15:40:22
@boys:midov.plgraybeard set a profile picture.15:43:05
16 May 2021
@mastabanks:anontier.nlmastabanks joined the room.00:13:20
5 Jun 2021
@wan.dao:midov.plwan.dao joined the room.21:35:54
11 Jun 2021
In reply to @ponfponf:midov.pl

All AMD CPUs leak to the military over radio because of BadBIOS circuitry. This is my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer.

The same way AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can also be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS vastly nastier than Stuxnet.

American military made a grave mistake to partner with the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.

Is there any alternative that could be used?
5 Jul 2021
@jenu2034:midov.pljenu2034 joined the room.08:08:13
@jenu2034:midov.pljenu2034 left the room.08:35:47
10 Jul 2021
@randomuser854:waifuhunter.clubrandomuser854 joined the room.15:24:36
4 Aug 2021
@birdibone:hyperreal.chatbirdibone joined the room.12:21:57
@birdibone:hyperreal.chatbirdibone set a profile picture.16:46:19

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