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Bridged room for #macos on the Monado discord4 Servers

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1 Oct 2024
@_discord_1290571888040607806:t2bot.ioanon123_55202 joined the room.07:12:47
@_discord_270652892023750656:t2bot.ioe0177 joined the room.09:35:58
@_discord_826380499604733962:t2bot.iosariel0.0 joined the room.16:02:39
@_discord_416656010678108160:t2bot.iothepinv joined the room.19:45:17
2 Oct 2024
@_discord_438100388772708394:t2bot.iopyralisoptera 02:57:41
@_discord_365465029241208833:t2bot.iothedordo joined the room.06:09:33
@_discord_300503618300411904:t2bot.ioactshorizon joined the room.06:47:53
@_discord_476539922426101776:t2bot.iomranderson1st joined the room.21:08:23
3 Oct 2024
@_discord_1291189932559306782:t2bot.iogkcooper462gmail.com_27011 joined the room.00:08:54
@_discord_411595460965433347:t2bot.iowizzard_dr joined the room.02:36:21
@_discord_377929144391958558:t2bot.iot0mah4wk_vr joined the room.03:00:28
@_discord_795334192249438218:t2bot.iosodaiscute joined the room.05:22:33
@_discord_504678849309704203:t2bot.iooeufmimosa joined the room.12:52:55
@_discord_1291392947014864906:t2bot.iokhabboris_65962 joined the room.13:35:53
@_discord_266599727745728533:t2bot.iovvoz joined the room.14:14:14
@_discord_936788165367328798:t2bot.iomat_1959 joined the room.14:26:15
@_discord_936262477975527435:t2bot.iokopyacekmiyorum joined the room.22:17:00
@_discord_936262477975527435:t2bot.iokopyacekmiyorum I am currently trying to make an app for my psvr2 using vulkan & openxr with my windows laptop. And i also am planning to buy an arm64 mac for my other ios development purposes. It seems like there is no official support for using a mac with psvr2 at all by neither sides. Was wondering if there is a workaround though 22:30:39
@_discord_936262477975527435:t2bot.iokopyacekmiyorum * I am currently trying to make an app for my psvr2 using vulkan & openxr with my windows laptop. And i also am planning to buy an arm64 mac for my other ios development purposes. It seems like there is no official support for using a mac with psvr2 or openxr at all. Was wondering if there is a workaround though 22:32:02
@_discord_936262477975527435:t2bot.iokopyacekmiyorum * I am currently trying to make an app for my psvr2 using vulkan & openxr with my windows laptop and everything is fine. And i also am planning to buy an arm64 mac for my other ios development purposes. It seems like there is no official support for using a mac with psvr2 or openxr at all. Was wondering if there is a workaround though 22:35:43
@_discord_725642085859852309:t2bot.iostin070707 joined the room.23:41:16
4 Oct 2024
@_discord_464784153334775808:t2bot.ioshindig5534 joined the room.10:11:19
@_discord_1291709724386922569:t2bot.ioravi_33263 joined the room.10:34:13
@_discord_1291828591256141844:t2bot.iopingpongcat_82360 joined the room.18:26:40
@_discord_324226651145895936:t2bot.iom4fdevon joined the room.18:33:38
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.ioRylie Pavlik changed their profile picture.20:22:24
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.ioRylie Pavlik There are no headsets with OpenXR support on macOS, that is correct. 20:23:30
@_discord_278247985714823168:t2bot.ioeari359 joined the room.22:37:06
5 Oct 2024
@_discord_591773912724013056:t2bot.iomarioeatsdirt changed their profile picture.03:14:59
@_discord_1263496693207535649:t2bot.iobigcube4d joined the room.05:37:07

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