

566 Members
Next community dev meeting: Tuesday, 21.09.2021 from 7pm to 8pm AEST https://meet.jit.si/comit-monero-community-coffee-2021-09-21 Let there be XMR-BTC swaps! Repository: https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap Jitsi: https://meet.jit.si/comit-monero Community projects built on top: https://unstoppableswap.net/40 Servers

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25 Apr 2023
@capybara:projectsegfau.lt@capybara:projectsegfau.lt joined the room.14:14:17
28 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.21:52:21
30 Apr 2023
@xmrscott:matrix.orgxmrscott-backup changed their profile picture.19:40:03
1 May 2023
@qwk:projectsegfau.lt@qwk:projectsegfau.lt changed their display name from qwk to duck man.17:40:06
5 May 2023
@goodboy:matrix.orglord_fomo changed their display name from lord_fomo to lord_fomo (how long until hrnz gets "wen").00:04:48
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.17:11:19
@goodboy:matrix.orglord_fomo changed their display name from lord_fomo (how long until hrnz gets "wen") to lord_fomo (nixnixnixnixnixnixnixnixnixnix).19:15:56
@goodboy:matrix.orglord_fomo changed their display name from lord_fomo (nixnixnixnixnixnixnixnixnixnix) to (nix)_lord_fomo.20:41:49
7 May 2023
@taylorbtcusdt:matrix.orgtaylorbtcusdt joined the room.15:02:47
8 May 2023
@vikrants:monero.socialvik (Cake) changed their profile picture.12:44:30
@vikrants:monero.socialvik (Cake) changed their profile picture.13:24:25
11 May 2023
@tooron:matrix.org@tooron:matrix.org left the room.11:24:51
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.18:27:15
12 May 2023
@qwk:projectsegfau.lt@qwk:projectsegfau.lt changed their display name from duck man to duck.14:41:36
14 May 2023
@john_r365:monero.social@john_r365:monero.social left the room.19:54:18
15 May 2023
@me:micahrl.com@me:micahrl.com joined the room.13:44:33
17 May 2023
@skeptdev:matrix.org@skeptdev:matrix.org left the room.06:38:33
18 May 2023
@rezamostafaei:matrix.org@rezamostafaei:matrix.org changed their profile picture.15:47:59
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.23:02:31
25 May 2023
@qwk:projectsegfau.lt@qwk:projectsegfau.lt removed their display name duck.14:05:02
@qwk:projectsegfau.lt@qwk:projectsegfau.lt left the room.14:05:11
26 May 2023
@ax:cat.casa@ax:cat.casa joined the room.11:23:41
@ax:cat.casa@ax:cat.casa changed their display name from ax to alex.17:16:41
1 Jun 2023
@knightrowarrior:nitro.chat@knightrowarrior:nitro.chat left the room.11:18:54
@hycide:matrix.org@hycide:matrix.org left the room.20:13:20
5 Jun 2023
@capybara:projectsegfau.lt@capybara:projectsegfau.lt changed their profile picture.05:39:34
@capybara:projectsegfau.lt@capybara:projectsegfau.lt changed their display name from Capybara to Azi.06:01:40
12 Jun 2023
@goodboy:matrix.orglord_fomo changed their display name from (nix)_lord_fomo to lord_fomotito.21:21:09
13 Jun 2023
@goodboy:matrix.orglord_fomo changed their display name from lord_fomotito to lord_fomo.15:36:25
17 Jun 2023
@vikrants:monero.socialvik (Cake) changed their profile picture.13:30:18

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