

566 Members
Next community dev meeting: Tuesday, 21.09.2021 from 7pm to 8pm AEST https://meet.jit.si/comit-monero-community-coffee-2021-09-21 Let there be XMR-BTC swaps! Repository: https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap Jitsi: https://meet.jit.si/comit-monero Community projects built on top: https://unstoppableswap.net/40 Servers

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17 Jun 2023
@vikrants:monero.socialvik (Cake) changed their profile picture.13:33:16
20 Jun 2023
@litty:matrix.org@litty:matrix.org joined the room.20:40:03
21 Jun 2023
@tcharding:matrix.org@tcharding:matrix.org left the room.00:24:56
23 Jun 2023
@hnonahanan95:matrix.orgHanan Hnona45 joined the room.00:13:53
@litty:matrix.org@litty:matrix.org left the room.14:20:24
24 Jun 2023
@steveultra1:matrix.orgsteve456 joined the room.21:31:01
25 Jun 2023
@spirobel:monero.social@spirobel:monero.social joined the room.10:59:03
2 Jul 2023
@clipper:4d2.org@clipper:4d2.org joined the room.01:53:01
@clipper:4d2.org@clipper:4d2.org left the room.01:55:08
12 Jul 2023
@123456789abc.:monero.social我的伊比利亚 joined the room.07:10:47
@niglo-boss:matrix.orgniglo-boss joined the room.09:57:17
@alexandre.guillet:matrix.orgAlexandre joined the room.14:09:05
@cyanescent.jitter:matrix.orgcyan joined the room.14:10:45
@okmaya:matrix.org@okmaya:matrix.org joined the room.15:48:20
15 Jul 2023
@geonic:matrix.orggeonic set a profile picture.23:34:29
17 Jul 2023
@rezamostafaei:matrix.org@rezamostafaei:matrix.org left the room.04:06:02
@sdcwen:matrix.orgsdcwen joined the room.08:13:14
20 Jul 2023
@ax:cat.casa@ax:cat.casa removed their display name alex.13:53:39
@ax:cat.casa@ax:cat.casa left the room.13:54:01
24 Jul 2023
@greykitty:greykitty.twilightparadox.comgreykitty ⚡️ 09:51:20
28 Jul 2023
@izaya_kun:matrix.orgizaya_kun set a profile picture.14:11:01
30 Jul 2023
@telosar:matrix.orgtelosar joined the room.14:00:46
31 Jul 2023
@consultant1248:matrix.orgconsultant1248 joined the room.08:56:37
@grovestock:matrix.orggrovestock joined the room.18:09:28
1 Aug 2023
@charles8686:matrix.orgCharles joined the room.18:22:41
@liulian:matrix.org@liulian:matrix.org joined the room.19:15:56
11 Aug 2023
@greykitty:greykitty.twilightparadox.comgreykitty ⚡️ 13:40:58
15 Aug 2023
@alrighttt:matrix.org@alrighttt:matrix.org joined the room.17:02:46
18 Aug 2023
@ansuckynoob:matrix.org@ansuckynoob:matrix.org left the room.20:51:21
23 Aug 2023
@wegfox:matrix.orgWellington Pinheiro joined the room.05:09:01

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