@jlj:asra.gr | | J | Admin(100) |
@jlj:envs.net | | J | Admin(100) |
@support:nfld.uk | | JJ | Admin(100) |
@jlj:nfld.uk | | jlj | Admin(100) |
@jlj:matrix.org | | jlj_ | Admin(100) |
@sp1cl3r:matrix.org | | sp1cl3r | Admin(100) |
@nfld_irc_bot:nfld.uk | | | Moderator(50) |
@mjolnir:arcticfoxes.net | | Arctic Security Agency | Moderator(50) |
@dngray:polarbear.army | | dngray (Ursus maritimus) | Moderator(50) |
@tgrm_1423435882:nfld.uk | | jlj 🐧💚 (Telegram) | Moderator(50) |
@_discord_715228696608505938:t2bot.io | | jlj2075 | Moderator(50) |
@nfld_telegram_bot:nfld.uk | | nfld Telegram bridge bot | Moderator(50) |
@ninchuka:envs.net | | ninchuka | Moderator(50) |
@search_social:matrix.org | | search_social | Moderator(50) |
@.:supreme.sh | | . | User(0) |
@_discord_360066060424052746:t2bot.io | | .goldenice | User(0) |
@_discord_608750982834421770:t2bot.io | | 1990 | User(0) |
@257m:matrix.org | | 257m | User(0) |
@nfld_ircnow_bot:nfld.uk | | | User(0) |
@adda0:matrix.org | | Adda | User(0) |
@_discord_720819234128527430:t2bot.io | | Altair | User(0) |
@plasmata.kin:matrix.org | | Apollo | User(0) |
@_discord_1087150081955864707:t2bot.io | | Average Frat Guy | User(0) |
@binksthefox:matrix.org | | Binks the fox | User(0) |
@_discord_981679507725500456:t2bot.io | | Byngza | User(0) |
@plstd:matrix.org | | Carlos Wellenstein | User(0) |
@chucho420:matrix.org | | Chuchoxxxxxx | User(0) |
@_discord_909443531561639936:t2bot.io | | Chupapi | User(0) |
@coldhotman:personver.net | | Cold Hotman | User(0) |
@critterotter:matrix.org | | CritterOtter | User(0) |
@tgrm_2126461331:nfld.uk | | David William Duchovny (Telegram) | User(0) |
@delphine.lasalle:envs.net | | Delphine Lasalle | User(0) |
@_discord_bot:t2bot.io | | Discord Bridge | User(0) |
@toothlessneo:matrix.org | | Draconic NEO | User(0) |
@bigcountry42069:matrix.org | | Fat Boy | User(0) |
@erickalovescp:matrix.org | | Fraud Bernie | User(0) |
@_discord_616050967426891832:t2bot.io | | God Of Crypt | User(0) |
@harshhhhh:matrix.org | | Harsh Harsh | User(0) |
@_discord_422761112270798849:t2bot.io | | ILoveMemess | User(0) |
@_discord_1099430820957143092:t2bot.io | | Ignosticism | User(0) |
@amadeus6437:matrix.org | | InevitableWaffles | User(0) |
@_discord_85257659694993408:t2bot.io | | Jake | User(0) |
@_discord_588527259040874526:t2bot.io | | Juanito | User(0) |
@_discord_943391855805087795:t2bot.io | | KM6MMO | User(0) |
@_discord_739642694371901551:t2bot.io | | MJ Ultra#8166 | User(0) |
@anonman:monero.social | | Magisk | User(0) |
@appofizzz:matrix.org | | Marcel | User(0) |
@flous84:matrix.org | | Michi Seidler | User(0) |
@roman231977:matrix.org | | Moonsteel | User(0) |
@_discord_918886639487570031:t2bot.io | | Mr Robinson#6371 | User(0) |
@_discord_927980833934028800:t2bot.io | | Nino | User(0) |
@alvaci:matrix.org | | Noto Kalen | User(0) |
@paulinka13:matrix.org | | Paulina2009 | User(0) |
@_discord_981670783451553932:t2bot.io | | Pommy | User(0) |
@_discord_793948064230146099:t2bot.io | | Razzle Dazzle Ren#1661 | User(0) |
@reiq:matrix.org | | ReiQ | User(0) |
@bolo23:matrix.org | | Sabrina Doeiman | User(0) |
@scl:ungleich.ch | | Sarcastic Comment Loading | User(0) |
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net | | Sergio Massa | User(0) |
@_discord_567132792622940191:t2bot.io | | Stardewstardrops | User(0) |
@_discord_549216151247388672:t2bot.io | | The Saint | User(0) |
@teeza87:matrix.org | | Tiffany Woodley | User(0) |
@travaro:arcticfoxes.net | | Travar0 | User(0) |
@dmtryptamines:matrix.org | | Tryp | User(0) |
@_discord_1053003269846335518:t2bot.io | | Tunes63 | User(0) |
@_discord_741777174943629394:t2bot.io | | Tyrone | User(0) |
@vesturoy:matrix.org | | Vesturøy Dave | User(0) |
@_discord_981678549742268456:t2bot.io | | War Chief Ultra Death | User(0) |
@ujineli:matrix.org | | Z' | User(0) |
@73ooo:matrix.org | | _RECYCLER | User(0) |
@amitten:matrix.org | | a Mitten | User(0) |
@_discord_498597552334045195:t2bot.io | | adderrall | User(0) |
@_discord_731978500667605130:t2bot.io | | aletheia9585 | User(0) |
@annamasv:matrix.org | | annamasv | User(0) |
@antholop:tedomum.net | | antholop | User(0) |
@_discord_193615381557018625:t2bot.io | | anthony001 | User(0) |
@_discord_1113571867329044500:t2bot.io | | anythingredcompelsus | User(0) |
@arcshark:matrix.org | | arcshark | User(0) |
@_discord_960305576594792478:t2bot.io | | avaeh | User(0) |
@bob:matrix.libreserver.org | | bashrc | User(0) |
@_discord_764086653035348067:t2bot.io | | bifterfluchthorn | User(0) |
@_discord_978494026921701426:t2bot.io | | bigdawg | User(0) |
@blacklight447:polarbear.army | | blacklight447 | User(0) |
@_discord_744376704524484659:t2bot.io | | bub8les5 | User(0) |
@_discord_654970631019954186:t2bot.io | | cactagon | User(0) |
@chloekisser:nope.chat | | chloekisser | User(0) |
@aprekates:matrix.org | | chomwitt | User(0) |
@chorizus:matrix.org | | chorizus | User(0) |
@climate_1900:matrix.org | | climate_1900 (gun / go burrr) | User(0) |
@_discord_846543111966556161:t2bot.io | | cllps.zip | User(0) |
@cooper169:matrix.org | | cooper169 | User(0) |
@htojeeto:nitro.chat | | crazylol | User(0) |
@_discord_1049771108666191942:t2bot.io | | crispybacon0491 | User(0) |
@cyberita:hive-mind.network | | cyberita | User(0) |
@deathrow:anonymousland.org | | deathrow | User(0) |
@delta:arcticfoxes.net | | delta | User(0) |
@dfkfjd:matrix.org | | dfkfjd | User(0) |
@digitalerwandel:matrix.org | | digitalerwandel | User(0) |
@drugtitojugoslavija:matrix.org | | drugtitojugoslavija | User(0) |
@elemental0:matrix.org | | elemental0 | User(0) |
@encryptedpast:arcticfoxes.net | | encryptedpast | User(0) |
@extra_space:matrix.org | | extra_space | User(0) |
@fallingknife:matrix.org | | fallingknife | User(0) |
@ffnnm:matrix.org | | ffnnm | User(0) |
@frankthehealer:matrix.org | | frankthehealer | User(0) |
@freestyle6292:buyvm.net | | freestyle6292 | User(0) |
@h3l1x_:matrix.org | | h3l1x_ | User(0) |
@_discord_806999449678643251:t2bot.io | | half#9288 | User(0) |
@hamster69:matrix.org | | hamster69 | User(0) |
@harmx:matrix.org | | harmx | User(0) |
@heikki:tchncs.de | | heikki | User(0) |
@hellowawa:arcticfoxes.net | | hellowawa | User(0) |
@hphector18:matrix.org | | hphector18 | User(0) |
@iammrkesty19:matrix.org | | iammrkesty19 | User(0) |
@ihopeitwouldbefine:matrix.org | | ihopeitwouldbefine | User(0) |
@iscreamattrees:matrix.org | | iscreamattrees | User(0) |
@_discord_801922204332720148:t2bot.io | | jeorge | User(0) |
@jindrax:arcticfoxes.net | | jindrax | User(0) |
@jital:matrix.org | | jital | User(0) |
@irc.nastycode.com_jlj:nfld.uk | | jlj (IRCNow) | User(0) |
@johnteachestech:matrix.org | | johnteachestech | User(0) |
@_discord_372308268338511894:t2bot.io | | keen767 | User(0) |
@_discord_1024493638916522085:t2bot.io | | kobecooks | User(0) |
@_discord_809479909687689227:t2bot.io | | kotieno | User(0) |
@_discord_981685202638213151:t2bot.io | | kworbler | User(0) |
@futureroky:matrix.org | | lamer | User(0) |
@littlelol:matrix.org | | littlelol | User(0) |
@lolifukme:matrix.org | | lolifukme | User(0) |
@lucasvin1:matrix.org | | lucasvin1 | User(0) |
@m:uxn.one | | m | User(0) |
@_discord_299861145823739904:t2bot.io | | mahmoud_zaky19#5936 | User(0) |
@manosecrets:matrix.org | | manosecrets | User(0) |
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.io | | matrix-appservice-discord-t2bot | User(0) |
@megernic:arcticfoxes.net | | megernic | User(0) |
@milow:sibnsk.net | | milow | User(0) |
@misterlogdog:matrix.org | | misterlogdog | User(0) |
@moody18y:matrix.org | | moody18y | User(0) |
@_discord_1121133671160762499:t2bot.io | | mouls | User(0) |
@muscadomestica:matrix.im | | musca_domestica | User(0) |
@muugol:arcticfoxes.net | | muugol | User(0) |
@n4cer111:matrix.org | | n4cer111 | User(0) |
@irc.nastycode.com_nasos:nfld.uk | | nasos (IRCNow) | User(0) |
@newwie333:matrix.org | | newwie333 | User(0) |
@_discord_989779479943602197:t2bot.io | | nick_207073 | User(0) |
@nitrogen:nitro.chat | | nitrogen | User(0) |
@_discord_423099993436454916:t2bot.io | | noodle | User(0) |
@orosus:matrix.org | | orosus | User(0) |
@pavel.chao:matrix.org | | pavel.chao | User(0) |
@pavelchekaveli:matrix.org | | pavelchekaveli | User(0) |
@peterdcosta:matrix.org | | peterdcosta | User(0) |
@kkuwjtjjdjjd:matrix.org | | prosinho | User(0) |
@psydroid:matrix.org | | psydroid | User(0) |
@quietlyjaded:matrix.org | | quietlyjaded | User(0) |
@raspberrylover:matrix.org | | raspberrylover | User(0) |
@risingdark:matrix.org | | risingdark | User(0) |
@seahorse09:matrix.org | | seahorse (he/him) (midwest.social) | User(0) |
@shermanator12:matrix.org | | shermanator12 | User(0) |
@_discord_1043363107659063367:t2bot.io | | shipwreckers#0 | User(0) |
@silmarillion2:matrix.org | | silmarillion2 | User(0) |
@siz3773388:matrix.org | | siz3773388 | User(0) |
@slookey3:matrix.org | | slookey3 | User(0) |
@_discord_985263768541999144:t2bot.io | | smileyriley009 | User(0) |
@_discord_1108263883791159316:t2bot.io | | solarbubblewaterskin#0 | User(0) |
@_discord_855526864629137478:t2bot.io | | solarfair00 | User(0) |
@_discord_1167567505955504261:t2bot.io | | solarsyntaxsonderskin | User(0) |
@spoonfull400:matrix.org | | spoonfull400 | User(0) |
@miuiuser:matrix.org | | ss012 | User(0) |
@stampirl:matrix.org | | stampirl | User(0) |
@steveultra1:matrix.org | | steve456 | User(0) |
@steveklord:matrix.org | | steveklord | User(0) |
@_discord_590402050009858068:t2bot.io | | sunu | User(0) |
@sweetbaby:matrix.org | | sweetbaby | User(0) |
@teddys:matrix.org | | teddys | User(0) |
@tetrox:matrix.org | | tetrox | User(0) |
@throwaway181:arcticfoxes.net | | throwaway181 | User(0) |
@thundercoc:matrix.org | | thundercoc | User(0) |
@a_z9:matrix.org | | tiny pedo slut-14yrd-
trying to be captive an ravaged
by all cock . animal an human | User(0) |
@tinylittleloli4u12:matrix.org | | tinylittleloli4u12 | User(0) |
@hydradominatus:arcticfoxes.net | | totally_californian_consumer | User(0) |
@usernxnsnfnnnfd:matrix.org | | usernxnsnfnnnfd | User(0) |
@marth-synsno:matrix.org | | vaulin-sam | User(0) |
@vinnyboiler:arcticfoxes.net | | vinnyboiler | User(0) |
@wheh:matrix.org | | wheh | User(0) |
@woofidff:matrix.org | | woofidff | User(0) |
@wyk4:matrix.org | | wyk4 | User(0) |
@_discord_1035027546095493121:t2bot.io | | zero_contradictions#0 | User(0) |
@_discord_1118225472120172636:t2bot.io | | zhenta7#0 | User(0) |
@_discord_981684957435015178:t2bot.io | | шнаппи | User(0) |
@_discord_997567852129308812:t2bot.io | | 自動の共栄圏は5017です | User(0) |
@_discord_997563711919231047:t2bot.io | | 自動の共栄圏は8184です | User(0) |