
Decred (DCR) Announcements

318 Members
6 Servers

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11 Apr 2024
@_discord_674374452460519431:t2bot.iolarsy_m changed their display name from nick014 to larsy_m.23:25:52
12 Apr 2024
@_discord_1205464829511598151:t2bot.ioemmanueleclipse_ joined the room.13:02:01
14 Apr 2024
@_discord_1229108884459753566:t2bot.iojuiop0795 joined the room.19:13:18
15 Apr 2024
@angrypanda:matrix.organgrypanda changed their profile picture.22:49:16
16 Apr 2024
@_discord_504506975120261161:t2bot.ioseek.thelooper changed their profile picture.12:02:10
20 Apr 2024
@hash.is.king:matrix.orghash.is.king changed their profile picture.01:55:28
22 Apr 2024
@_discord_690214471322304597:t2bot.iomaher.kh joined the room.04:01:20
25 Apr 2024
@_discord_114648228900765698:t2bot.io_bebito joined the room.21:29:53
26 Apr 2024
@_discord_828704469734785064:t2bot.iou4ia5bo joined the room.13:40:47
28 Apr 2024
@jasonhenson:decred.org@jasonhenson:decred.org joined the room.16:00:11
@jasonhenson:decred.org@jasonhenson:decred.org left the room.16:16:28
30 Apr 2024
@arch_note:matrix.orgDavid changed their display name from arch_note to David.14:56:34
3 May 2024
@_discord_1211696476347039844:t2bot.iotirvi_11143 joined the room.07:52:40
@blockchainophil:decred.orgClopas changed their profile picture.09:29:08
4 May 2024
@_discord_504506975120261161:t2bot.ioseek.thelooper changed their display name from vibedilla to seek.thelooper.21:15:23
5 May 2024
@_discord_133638692693737472:t2bot.iotoussaint. changed their profile picture.01:32:29
6 May 2024
@_discord_974566010554318878:t2bot.iomrcryptoo. 05:52:55
7 May 2024
@jz:matrix.org@jz:matrix.org left the room.02:34:19
9 May 2024
@_discord_976912379818438697:t2bot.ioandrzej4844 joined the room.17:12:11
12 May 2024
@_discord_790327969478344725:t2bot.iofrezbo8897 joined the room.07:01:30
15 May 2024
@_discord_724341625287082045:t2bot.iocdj9822 joined the room.19:36:56
21 May 2024

Decred v2.0.0 is out!

This is a new major release of dcrd, Decred's full node. Some of the key highlights are:

  • Decentralized StakeShuffle mixing
  • Higher network throughput
  • Lightweight client sync time reduced by around 50%
  • Improved initial peer discovery

Introduced in 2019 and described in detail in this blog post, Decred's mixing function has been running and providing privacy for DCR holders without incident.

Still, with Decred's iterative approach, work to make the system even more bulletproof started almost immediately, with the next step being the exclusion of the need for a central server to coordinate the coin mixing and removing it as a potential single point of failure.

dcrd v2.0.0 introduces the decentralized StakeShuffle mixnet which, in simple terms, means that coin mixing is now coordinated by each and every up-to-date running instance of the dcrd daemon (or full node), making the process fully peer-to-peer.

You can download our v2.0.0 wallets for the major platforms at https://decred.org/wallets/, and for more information about the release and minor tweaks to make it work with existing command-line setups, check out dcrd v2.0.0 release notes.

Happy mixing!

@kozel:decred.orgkozel *

Decred v2.0.0 is out!

This is a new major release of dcrd, Decred's full node. Some of the key highlights are:

  • Decentralized StakeShuffle mixing
  • Higher network throughput
  • Lightweight client sync time reduced by around 50%
  • Improved initial peer discovery

Introduced in 2019 and described in detail in this blog post, Decred's mixing function has been running and providing privacy for DCR holders without incident.

Still, with Decred's iterative approach, work to make the system even more bulletproof started almost immediately, with the next step being the exclusion of the need for a central server to coordinate the coin mixing and removing it as a potential single point of failure.

dcrd v2.0.0 introduces the decentralized StakeShuffle mixnet which, in simple terms, means that coin mixing is now coordinated by each and every up-to-date running instance of the dcrd daemon (or full node), making the process fully peer-to-peer.

You can download our v2.0.0 wallets for the major platforms at https://decred.org/wallets/, and for more information about the release and minor tweaks to make it work with existing command-line setups, check out v2.0.0 release notes.

Happy mixing!

22 May 2024
@_discord_1242726870353580094:t2bot.iotheshah23 joined the room.06:50:25
24 May 2024
@_discord_710385003107713044:t2bot.iopeskypenguinz0 joined the room.14:03:06
@_discord_419552989817077762:t2bot.ioleogeeko joined the room.17:49:27
25 May 2024
@_discord_953875538567647284:t2bot.iocwg1975 00:42:04
28 May 2024
@mikorian98:matrix.org@mikorian98:matrix.org joined the room.19:57:35
@mikorian98:matrix.org@mikorian98:matrix.org left the room.20:01:37
29 May 2024

Decred v2.0.1 is out!

This patch release addresses some initial growing pains of our new decentralized mixing infrastructure and makes the process a lot smoother.

It is recommended that all v2.0.0 users upgrade to enjoy its benefits.

You can download our wallets at https://decred.org/wallets/

For more information, check out the v2.0.1 release notes (https://github.com/decred/decred-binaries/releases/tag/v2.0.1)


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