
Antifa Minecraft Chat

385 Members
A chat for our minecraft server.5 Servers

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18 Oct 2023
@_discord_479087250668519439:t2bot.ioAuntie Aeon changed their display name from auntiebilbo#0 to Auntie Aeon.18:31:45
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_479087250668519439:t2bot.ioAuntie Aeon changed their display name from Auntie Aeon to auntiebilbo#0.01:33:20
@_discord_703405959044923432:t2bot.iotwitter changed their display name from beanutputterbagel#0 to twitter.03:38:35
@_discord_703405959044923432:t2bot.iotwitter changed their profile picture.03:38:46
@_discord_479087250668519439:t2bot.ioAuntie Aeon changed their display name from auntiebilbo#0 to Auntie Aeon.13:40:11
@_discord_479087250668519439:t2bot.ioAuntie Aeon changed their display name from Auntie Aeon to auntiebilbo#0.16:38:47
@_discord_479087250668519439:t2bot.ioAuntie Aeon changed their display name from auntiebilbo#0 to Auntie Aeon.16:44:43
@_discord_479087250668519439:t2bot.ioAuntie Aeon changed their display name from Auntie Aeon to auntiebilbo#0.20:00:44
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_479087250668519439:t2bot.ioAuntie Aeon changed their display name from auntiebilbo#0 to Auntie Aeon.01:45:32
@_discord_784275640664064020:t2bot.iobaby.flower#0 changed their display name from baby.flower to baby.flower#0.02:00:46
@_discord_498984473539379232:t2bot.iofatigue tak changed their display name from candy flipper 😍 to fatigue tak.04:52:26
@_discord_570654318110441494:t2bot.iosnekborg#0 changed their display name from 🦾Snekborg🐍 to snekborg#0.05:53:07
@_discord_402536331881873409:t2bot.ioqwertyto changed their display name from gaymcgayson to qwertyto.21:11:13
@_discord_180505500318826499:t2bot.iobrainiac3397 changed their display name from Brainiac3397 to brainiac3397.21:17:32
6 Nov 2023
@troskia:matrix.orgSvankmajer joined the room.18:27:37
8 Nov 2023
@benutzernamebelegt:matrix.orgbenutzernamebelegt joined the room.12:21:59
@neo1-:matrix.orgNeo joined the room.18:41:47
9 Nov 2023
@neo1-:matrix.orgNeo changed their display name from Mr.Aderson to Neo.07:23:40
16 Nov 2023
@joiningallserver:matrix.orgjoiningallserver joined the room.03:47:28
22 Nov 2023
@benutzernamebelegt:matrix.orgbenutzernamebelegt changed their display name from benutzernamebelegt to a.17:33:23
@benutzernamebelegt:matrix.orgbenutzernamebelegt changed their display name from a to benutzernamebelegt.17:34:13
11 Dec 2023
@steavengameryt:matrix.orgLinux King changed their profile picture.13:16:15
@steavengameryt:matrix.orgLinux King changed their profile picture.13:17:07
13 Dec 2023
@neo1-:matrix.orgNeoChat diedπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€16:38:45
24 Dec 2023
@schwappo:matrix.orgschwappo whyAdamSalt Eee owner boi. What is this chat about? Answer at last (⁠q⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) 22:03:24
1 Jan 2024
@schwappo:matrix.orgschwappoHappy new anti-fascistic year, Minecraft players!22:28:13
29 Mar 2024
@schwappo:matrix.orgschwappo changed their display name from Schwappo to schwappo.15:54:38
18 Jun 2024
@blandoss:norrland.xyz@blandoss:norrland.xyz left the room.08:57:23

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