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11 Jan 2024
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat the annoying thing with having more than one buffer or a bigger buffer is that you're increasint the maximum audio latency that the user can experience 22:35:29
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 Interesting, I usually have the update perform the swap so that the interupt simply checks if (bufferPos == bufferEnd) bufferPos = bufferStart; thus simplifying it's code. 22:36:22
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 So it basically sends the current bufferPos value, increments bufferPos, then checks the pos and moves it accordingly. 22:37:24
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat if you have more than 2 buffers of this kind, you will probably often be 1 buffer late so ~125-250 ms in normal cases 22:38:31
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat in some case it can be weird for your SFX 22:38:54
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 Unless you have functions in place to fill the current buffer based on it's current position, but that can cause other race conditions that may be undesirable. 22:39:16
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat yes 22:39:29
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat it's also defeating the purpose of having two buffers 22:39:51
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 But yeah I think the smaller the buffer and the fewer buffers is definitely best. Doing a byte-for-byte read/write is too inefficient as opposed to reading/writing 512 bytes at once for example. 22:40:18
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat theorically you could have a single circular buffer 22:40:22
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat but yeah, reading/writing get more complicated 22:40:52
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 Yeah, you could simply have a 1024 ring-buffer which gets filled in X byte segments which would still create the same stuttering effect in the event of a stalled update loop. 22:41:29
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat yeah and if you manipulated the libaudio code 22:42:42
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat you'll see that the audio handlers generates their output on a sequence of 512 bytes at once 22:43:10
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat (or 1024, can't remember) 22:43:42
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat it's interesting to have because you can do a bunch of samples while not worrying about the varying lenght 22:44:30
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 In LibAudio it's 512 which I would guess is because that's one block of SD card data. 22:44:50
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat with a circular buffer, you'd need a stack-allocated buffer of 512 to keep that, then a copy to the actual audio buffer 22:44:59
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat so ... essentially, double buffer again 😛 22:45:13
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 I think that's why a double buffer approach is good. The buffer still needs to be filled faster than it takes to play those 512 bytes. 22:47:18
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat (so you'll end up with some "free samples" not filled in the end) 22:47:22
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat yeah and it's much simpler to implement 22:47:32
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 So the higher the sample rate the faster it has to transfer that data. 22:47:45
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat yes 22:47:58
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 8Khz = 64ms and 22050 ~= 23ms. 22:48:17
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat it'll also increase the cpu load too of course 22:48:19
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat (since more samples have to be generated/read) 22:48:32
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat increasing the interrupt rate also increase the cost of context switching that is associated to it 22:49:07
@_discord_677023449180274701:t2bot.iotuxinator2009 Yep, more samples needed per second which means more work to be done to get those samples and that additional work also has to be done much faster than that of a lower sample rate. 22:49:11
@_discord_338299326143004685:t2bot.iocarbonacat (total cost, not individual) 22:49:23

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