21 Jan 2021 |
@null_radix:matrix.org | maybe we can have a bridge, I also perpher matrix | 17:36:37 |
boz_menzalji | In reply to @null_radix:matrix.org maybe we can have a bridge, I also perpher matrix Sorry at this time, and given our bandwidth, we need to remain on Discord | 17:46:13 |
boz_menzalji | We’ll revisit this at a later time when appropriate | 17:46:25 |
22 Jan 2021 |
| @change7:matrix.org left the room. | 19:30:05 |
23 Jan 2021 |
nikitlysenko | Redacted or Malformed Event | 13:16:57 |
nikitlysenko | Redacted or Malformed Event | 13:16:59 |
26 Jan 2021 |
| @ractolechoc5:matrix.org left the room. | 08:27:51 |
29 Jan 2021 |
| @astroboyrgukt:matrix.org set their display name to Murthy Vitwit. | 03:16:30 |
2 Feb 2021 |
| @astroboyrgukt:matrix.org set a profile picture. | 07:11:10 |
| @astroboyrgukt:matrix.org left the room. | 07:15:23 |
9 Feb 2021 |
| @y3v63n:matrix.org left the room. | 20:15:23 |
16 Feb 2021 |
| @pieter:nltrix.net | 07:42:07 |
| @pieter:nltrix.net removed their display name pieter. | 07:43:14 |
| @pieter:nltrix.net left the room. | 08:13:27 |
18 Feb 2021 |
| 丁一 joined the room. | 13:26:04 |
丁一 | hello everyone, | 13:29:03 |
theoracle68 | Please go to https://discord.akash.network
Thanks | 16:22:30 |
25 Feb 2021 |
| @wholesum:matrix.org left the room. | 05:31:33 |
2 Mar 2021 |
| @andreisid:matrix.org changed their display name from andreisid to andreisid | stakethat.xyz. | 10:43:20 |
6 Mar 2021 |
| @welling:matrix.org changed their display name from welling to weIIing. | 14:19:49 |
9 Mar 2021 |
| Vlady Limes | PromoTeam changed their display name from vladylimes to Vlady Limes | PromoTeam. | 07:04:11 |
10 Mar 2021 |
| ngehani joined the room. | 08:00:29 |
16 Mar 2021 |
| xiagw joined the room. | 02:53:43 |
21 Mar 2021 |
| @lindasex:matrix.org joined the room. | 10:58:35 |
@lindasex:matrix.org | It's a pleasure to meet you. http://v.ht/9oH78 | 10:58:36 |
| @lindasex:matrix.org left the room. | 11:02:18 |
theoracle68 | ** SPAM ABOVE ** | 15:08:50 |
22 Mar 2021 |
| @unzolicha1984:matrix.org joined the room. | 11:45:28 |
@unzolicha1984:matrix.org | I can suck very well, I can fulfill any fantasies for you URL http://v.ht/E8r7A | 11:45:29 |
| @unzolicha1984:matrix.org left the room. | 11:47:08 |