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3 Jun 2018
@gitter_akiross:matrix.org@gitter_akiross:matrix.org (edited) ... object, with obj.set('state', swell.List.create([1, 2, 3])), but I am getting an error: Error: Class$S8: Class$S21. What does ... => ... object, with `obj.set('state', swell.List.create([1, 2, 3]))`, but I am getting an error: `Error: Class$S8: Class$S21`. What does ... 18:03:29
@gitter_akiross:matrix.org@gitter_akiross:matrix.org On the console, there is:
INFO: Sending RpcFinished with error: 3,local.net/global-checklist,,No visible wavelets,false
java.lang.NullPointerException: Null delta application version
10 Jun 2018
@gitter_akiross:matrix.org@gitter_akiross:matrix.orgI am using Swellrt with docker: how can I enable a debug mode?20:33:47
12 Jun 2018
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org Hi @akiross, I guess you have created the object but you have not given access to it to your user. Probably you are using anonymous login, in that case anytime you reload the app the anonymoua user will change. You must force the object to be public,using seaPublic(true) 06:38:02
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.orgBTW, sorry for delayed answer06:38:15
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.orgAnd thank you for trying swellrt06:38:38
@gitter_akiross:matrix.org@gitter_akiross:matrix.org Thanks @pablojan! No worries, for the late answer, my "weekend project" is in fact going pretty slow :) 21:07:00
@gitter_akiross:matrix.org@gitter_akiross:matrix.org Thank you very much for your answer. I am writing a tutorial explaining what I am doing, and I would love to spread the word and help swellrt in some way, I think it is very cool and more apps should use it :) 21:08:38
@gitter_akiross:matrix.org@gitter_akiross:matrix.orgDo you have a patreon or something like that? I could help a bit the project21:10:03
13 Jun 2018
@gitter_akiross:matrix.org@gitter_akiross:matrix.orgAlso, is there a way to enable a debug/non-minified mode when developing on docker? I looked inside the docker image and I could find a(n apparently) debug version of swellrt, but it is not clear how to access it11:23:03
@gitter_akiross:matrix.org@gitter_akiross:matrix.orgI tried setting the object public, but the error is still there. Is it because I am using the root object?11:43:17
2 Jul 2018
@gitter_benparsons:matrix.org@gitter_benparsons:matrix.org joined the room.10:45:58
@gitter_benparsons:matrix.org@gitter_benparsons:matrix.orghello SwellRT community!10:45:59
@gitter_benparsons:matrix.org@gitter_benparsons:matrix.orgI just learned about the project and am interested in the use of matrix in federation10:46:29

the readme says

SwellRT servers can be federated using XMPP and Matrix.org protocol. Sorry, we are still writting the configuration guide. Please contact us for furhter information.

@gitter_benparsons:matrix.org@gitter_benparsons:matrix.org so I'd like to know where to look for more info 10:47:13
3 Aug 2018
@gitter_k1nk33:matrix.org@gitter_k1nk33:matrix.org joined the room.19:15:37
@gitter_k1nk33:matrix.org@gitter_k1nk33:matrix.org Hey guys. I've just started working on a collaborative app using the swellrt api. So far I've managed to add a collaborative text editor but I would like to apply the same functionality to a editable table. Any pointers or general direction would be brilliant. Thanks in advance. 19:15:40
7 Aug 2018
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org Hi @/all we've released new version 2.0.0-beta https://github.com/P2Pvalue/swellrt/releases/tag/2.0.0-beta 09:37:56
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.orgit has several major changes in the API and a lot of bug fixes09:38:17
18 Sep 2018
@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org joined the room.03:39:42
@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org Thanks for the updates @pablojan 03:39:42
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org @shahfaisal98 very welcome, new version is out ;) https://github.com/SwellRT/swellrt/releases/tag/2.0.2-beta 08:27:47
24 Sep 2018
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org Hi All, new release is out! Federation with Matrix! https://github.com/SwellRT/swellrt/releases/tag/2.1.0-beta 17:37:14
1 Oct 2018
@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org @pablojan is there any update or new release of Jetpad(angular)
I am facing a problem of memory utilization of existing release. it uses 75% of CPU utilization.
6 Oct 2018
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org Hi @shahfaisal98 I guess that memory consumption is in the backend (swellrt) or in the angular app? 16:33:16
7 Oct 2018
@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.organgular app.05:31:40
@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org@gitter_shahfaisal98:matrix.org (edited) angular app. => In angular app. 05:32:02

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