
Logging Operator

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30 Nov 2023
@_discord_1179735565751558208:t2bot.iowowbagger_40528 joined the room.10:49:13
@_discord_1095768645520593056:t2bot.iogamba47 12:52:03
@_discord_1095768645520593056:t2bot.iogamba47 I'm still working on this. If I can solve I will post my troughs 12:52:03
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov I'm still working on this. If I can 13:02:33
@_discord_1179847726381404241:t2bot.iogabor_88547 joined the room.18:14:19
@_discord_728067021966802994:t2bot.iocalmazans joined the room.20:13:09
@_discord_728067021966802994:t2bot.iocalmazans Hi Guys,
I'm currently trying to use the logging operator to send logs from my pods to cloudwatch.
Currently the stdout on the pods is formatted as JSON and I want to deliver the stdout as-is to cloudwatch, but logging-operator keeps adding more info to the logs (kubernetes object and some extra info)
How can I get rid of that extra info and send only the stdout as-is to cloudwatch?
1 Dec 2023
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hi Guys, 07:46:17
@_discord_1180073412702507088:t2bot.iohaxodon_82096 joined the room.09:12:35
4 Dec 2023
@_discord_1181124704585662514:t2bot.iopilosula_32045 joined the room.07:10:12
6 Dec 2023
@_discord_303337119349211136:t2bot.ioMark joined the room.01:09:09
@_discord_888751691606937651:t2bot.iosteveizzle joined the room.16:56:19
@_discord_888751691606937651:t2bot.iosteveizzle Hey guys, great project! Do you know if there is a way to map kubernetes labels to loki "labels" with the logging operator? I am almost sure there is, because you have so many possibilites of configuration, but i could not find the right config yet 😄 Something similiar to this: https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit-docs/pull/895/files 16:59:18
@_discord_888751691606937651:t2bot.iosteveizzle * Hey guys, great project! Do you know if there is a way to map kubernetes labels to loki "labels" with the logging operator? I am almost sure there is, because you have so many possibilites of configuration, but i could not find the right config yet 😄 Something similiar to this: https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit-docs/pull/895/files

Or does this happen by default with the extract_kubernetes_label config?
@_discord_888751691606937651:t2bot.iosteveizzle Ok i guess it does, by default when extract_kubernetes_label is enabeld. But it would also be interesting if there is a manual way of defining this label mapping ? 17:08:00
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Ok i guess it does, by default when 17:38:47
7 Dec 2023
@_discord_306521119928877056:t2bot.iooverorion changed their display name from UBWGUNNER to overorion.07:09:58
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hey folks! There have been lots of improvements around the multi-tenancy capabilities in the logging operator lately, so we have released a blog post to cover the topic in detail:
@_discord_724134903389618177:t2bot.iomstopa joined the room.11:04:47
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_181745896105574400:t2bot.iozipzad changed their display name from zadkiel to zipzad.01:53:42
@_discord_1183763324832333886:t2bot.iobhaskarreddybyreddy_13121 joined the room.13:33:47
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.15:59:00
@_discord_1183828854410842124:t2bot.ionickr_89835 joined the room.17:53:37
@_discord_372560102479101973:t2bot.io_exseven joined the room.17:56:57
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot changed their profile picture.19:38:33
12 Dec 2023
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hey everyone, quick heads up that release 4.5.0 is out!

All the good stuff is available in the release notes and all the important new features have dev docs and/or examples in the repo:

Docs at https://kube-logging.dev will be updated soon, stay tuned!
14 Dec 2023
@_discord_1105840447441621056:t2bot.iokoroslak joined the room.10:12:57
@_discord_1183763324832333886:t2bot.iobhaskarreddybyreddy_13121 Hi Peter,
As you suggested, I am starting the conversation in this channel regarding the issue https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/issues/1616.
I did some changes to the code, which seem to work. Please check the PR: https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/pull/1617
@_discord_888751691606937651:t2bot.iosteveizzle Hey, i used a logging-operator-logging helm chart for configuring the logging object. Is there also a OCI replacement for this chart? Or is this chart deprecated not recommended? I could not find anything about that one... 15:09:34
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hey, i used a logging-operator-logging 15:23:17

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