7 Aug 2023 |
pepov | 📢 Hey! If anyone has experience with migrating to kube-logging from the Rancher logging and is open to share and discuss please let me know! We would then publish the learnings in a blog post to help others with the same challenge. | 10:14:16 |
zipzad | Hey there ! I'd love to go further with the multi fluent workers setup. If maintainers find some spare time, please have a look to https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/pull/1417. Thank you! | 10:18:35 |
pepov | Hey there I d love to go further with | 11:17:19 |
| gabor_51687 joined the room. | 17:55:56 |
| lmesz joined the room. | 18:16:10 |
8 Aug 2023 |
| FuckMattLaFleur joined the room. | 00:30:00 |
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9 Aug 2023 |
| loicbertrand_23053 joined the room. | 13:54:03 |
10 Aug 2023 |
pepov | Although the tag and artifacts have been available for a week now, the release is officially out and the documentation has been updated as well. https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/releases/tag/4.3.0 | 14:01:54 |
| NotoriousTOB joined the room. | 16:01:21 |
NotoriousTOB | Hi all. I'm looking around for any information on how to proceed when the Splunk HEC plugin goes EOL in January (https://github.com/splunk/fluent-plugin-splunk-hec). Is there any plan to change the plugin being used in kube-logging? | 16:15:43 |
fekete77.robert | Seems Splunk is betting on OpenTelemetry, and they are EOL-ing other stuff as well: https://github.com/splunk/splunk-connect-for-kubernetes | 16:19:10 |
| harmonious_dragon_24627 joined the room. | 21:17:20 |
11 Aug 2023 |
| gabo_02447 joined the room. | 17:04:40 |
| kozmagabor. joined the room. | 17:07:50 |
14 Aug 2023 |
| meera_15383 joined the room. | 06:03:04 |
| worldofgeese joined the room. | 10:29:07 |
pepov | Heads up about this upcoming change: https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/pull/1413
This is going to change the default behaviour of fluentd sending it's own logs again to standard out for greater good. (this was the original behaviour, but since it can cause the system echoing back it's own logs indefinitely in certain circumstances, was changed to writing to file). We can do that, since we now use an annotation and a fluentbit feature to exclude certain pod's logs.
The story will be complete once we implement https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/issues/1075 so that we can actually process and send those logs to a remote output. | 11:43:05 |
| sagikazarmark changed their display name from sagikazarmark#2545 to sagikazarmark#0. | 13:40:07 |
| sagikazarmark changed their display name from sagikazarmark#0 to sagikazarmark. | 13:40:07 |
| bessbd joined the room. | 15:53:36 |
| robotka joined the room. | 16:12:55 |
15 Aug 2023 |
| darius_34404 joined the room. | 08:06:27 |
| xiaodarbor joined the room. | 08:10:15 |
| ferry_75377 joined the room. | 08:25:24 |
bubugaga | Issue with Sending NGINX Access Logs to Secured Elasticsearch using Logging Operator | 08:55:15 |
16 Aug 2023 |
| itiswhatitis69 joined the room. | 08:03:00 |
17 Aug 2023 |
| sbonafe joined the room. | 18:03:28 |
sbonafe | Hi pepov, reading through the previous posts, I just wanted to clarify that Rancher is planning on migrating to kube logging which will be the official supported app within the UI? | 18:03:29 |
pepov | Rancher logging | 21:11:39 |