
Logging Operator

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10 Oct 2023
@_discord_1161225736313651310:t2bot.iobishow_41696 joined the room.08:57:00
@_discord_1057918679200825355:t2bot.io.mousam joined the room.08:59:59
@_discord_1161225736313651310:t2bot.iobishow_41696 I want to contribute in the code and create the method that will update the status of output to false if the fluentd have errors while passing wrong credentials. Are there any contributing guides or guidelines for this repo as I will be droping a PR. 09:03:09
@_discord_1057918679200825355:t2bot.io.mousam Hello,
Can we have a discussion for this issue ?
12 Oct 2023
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych I'm still having problems with fluentd 1.15/1.16, and opensearch 12:10:12
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych it errors out with some faraday dependency error 12:10:21
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych 1.14 works perfectly 12:10:25
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych Anyone else experienced errors with the fluentd opensearch plugin? 12:10:44
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych * it errors out with some faraday dependency error and refuses to boot 12:24:26
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Anyone else experienced errors with the 13:10:36
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych Is there also any way to speed up the reconciliation loop for fluentbitagent? I've recreated around 30 logging resources and the fluentbit daemonset only comes up 1 per minute 14:38:55
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych I can't find anything in the docs 14:39:04
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov no, although I'm not sure why it is so slow 15:00:10
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Is there also any way to speed up the 15:05:37
16 Oct 2023
@_discord_349665824086294539:t2bot.ioplaymtl Is there a metric value giving me the information, that the recreation of the fluentd config is blocked by some issue (for example: missing secret). Background: If the logging is stuck I can currently only get alerted by prometheus 11:44:23
17 Oct 2023
@_discord_1024749727885033502:t2bot.ioremigiusz_74277 joined the room.08:18:06
@_discord_228804597429436416:t2bot.io.remno joined the room.08:20:40
18 Oct 2023
@_discord_157002360823087104:t2bot.iosartigan joined the room.18:11:16
20 Oct 2023
Download Screenshot_2023-10-20_at_12.34.31_PM.png
@_discord_431838132074315777:t2bot.iomclovin9929 Hey is there any way to reduce or configure the no. of available fields in kibana through code itself.
I can see how we can do it through kibana dev tools, but is there any way to do it through the yaml files?
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hey is there any way to reduce or 07:47:28
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hey folks! Version 4.4.1 is out with a few fixes and smaller improvements over the last release, check it out here:
23 Oct 2023
@_discord_713257123043344384:t2bot.iomengzyou joined the room.03:36:55
24 Oct 2023
@_discord_1166312097509015566:t2bot.iophilip.peter_10466 joined the room.09:48:20
@_discord_258949722205716480:t2bot.iogrg_2145 changed their display name from grg_2145#0 to grg_2145.14:33:57
27 Oct 2023
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych Can I attach an EKS role to fluentd's service account? 15:03:59
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych right now I'm trying to upload to s3, but need the AWS IAM role to be attached to fluentd 15:04:10
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych i'm using key/secretkey but still getting permission denied 15:04:38
@_discord_105061408261025792:t2bot.iojeremych my bad - was missing the CreateBucket permission 😂 20:26:55
29 Oct 2023
@_discord_782892140312920074:t2bot.ioxinity77 is there any vector.dev "plugin" for kube-logging ? i want to ofload to a vector instance outside of the cluster, the parsing of data 11:14:49

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