
Logging Operator

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30 Oct 2023
@_discord_1168544280915214387:t2bot.iokamaljeetkaur_36800 joined the room.13:38:26
@_discord_1168544280915214387:t2bot.iokamaljeetkaur_36800 Hi Team. I am trying out kube-logging for the first time with a EKS cluster. I dont see Fluentbit daemonset coming up on each node. Do I need some specific configuration for that ? 13:43:45
@_discord_562456356007837716:t2bot.iomjnovice. joined the room.16:10:08
@_discord_562456356007837716:t2bot.iomjnovice. Hey team, does the operator currently support Azure Gov cloud ? 16:11:12
@_discord_349665824086294539:t2bot.ioplaymtl maybe you need some tolerations? 16:55:34
2 Nov 2023
@_discord_1168544280915214387:t2bot.iokamaljeetkaur_36800 Heres how I am setting the toleration in my helm chart terraform config, but it doesnt seem to work. Could you please have a look ?
set {
name = "fluentbit"
value = <<-YAML
apiVersion: logging.banzaicloud.io/v1beta1
kind: FluentbitAgent
- key: "default-nodes"
operator: "Exists"
effect: "NoSchedule"

@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Heres how I am setting the toleration in 14:59:57
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov 14:59:59
3 Nov 2023
@_discord_782892140312920074:t2bot.ioxinity77 hey folks, been wondering why i can't enable metrics for fluentd AND fluentbit at the same time ? follow the official documentation, but it doesn't seem to work ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
any hints ? https://kube-logging.dev/docs/operation/logging-operator-monitoring/
@_discord_562456356007837716:t2bot.iomjnovice. Hey team, has anyone used splunk with version 4.2.1 ? I am seeing the following error. 08:58:47
<internal:/usr/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:85:in `require': cannot load such file -- fluent/plugin/out_splunk (LoadError)
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Monitor your logging pipeline with Prome... 09:07:35
In reply to @_discord_782892140312920074:t2bot.io
hey folks, been wondering why i can't enable metrics for fluentd AND fluentbit at the same time ? follow the official documentation, but it doesn't seem to work ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
any hints ? https://kube-logging.dev/docs/operation/logging-operator-monitoring/
i am not sure, if it works also ob 4.4.x still on 4.2. - but i believe it still works , with the delivered servicemonitor and prometheus-operator
@_discord_562456356007837716:t2bot.iomjnovice. * Hey team, has anyone used splunk with version 4.2.1 ? I am seeing the following error. Sorry if this is spam, zadkiel Could you give some pointers, I see this with the image fluentd:v1.15-ruby3 10:18:45
@_discord_782892140312920074:t2bot.ioxinity77 anyone knows if using logging-operator i can configure fluentd to scrape prometheus metrics and ship them outside of my cluster ? 10:40:59
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov anyone knows if using logging-operator i 11:46:44
In reply to @_discord_782892140312920074:t2bot.io
anyone knows if using logging-operator i can configure fluentd to scrape prometheus metrics and ship them outside of my cluster ?
You can configure your prometheus to remote write and somewhere: https://prometheus-operator.dev/docs/operator/api/#monitoring.coreos.com/v1.RemoteWriteSpec (i have not try it yet, but that what mimir works)
5 Nov 2023
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hey folks! Meet us next week on KubeCon at booth Q20! Feel free to just stop by and say hi or schedule a meeting here: https://calendly.com/axoflow/kubecon-2023-na?month=2023-11 15:24:48
8 Nov 2023
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hey folks! We have a PR to fix the issues with the new Gemfile based 1.16 image here:

If someone wants to take a look or try it out before it gets merged, it's the right time! As the description says we are going to provide an intermediate layer for the image that doesn't contain any output plugins. After that, anyone can add their own favourite plugin on top of this very easily (with just a fluent-gem install <output-plugin>).

We would love to hear your feedback if you have used this version of the image (in the PR it has the filters tag) with any custom filter or output plugins. We are open to consider adding a few more specialized layers for the most common outputs on top filters that we were unable to support earlier because of dependency conflicts (examples: elasticsearch 7vs8, opensearch, stackdriver, etc).

We still have a layer that contains most of the output plugins as earlier, but because of outdated and conflicting dependencies some of the plugins had to be omitted (you can see those commented out in the PR).
@_discord_349665824086294539:t2bot.ioplaymtl Fluentd 1.16 base image by OverOrion ยท ... 15:39:50
9 Nov 2023
@_discord_181745896105574400:t2bot.iozipzad changed their display name from zadkiel#8960 to zadkiel.16:13:28
@_discord_1090288616942604370:t2bot.iombonsack 18:44:27
13 Nov 2023
@_discord_484298787846881280:t2bot.iopepov Hey @PlayMTL this looks like a core 10:32:05
@_discord_1173622297563770891:t2bot.iolilo_31897 joined the room.13:56:25
@_discord_562456356007837716:t2bot.iomjnovice. Hey team, https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/pull/1579 can someone approve the workflows ? Thanks ๐Ÿ™ 18:03:00
@_discord_562456356007837716:t2bot.iomjnovice. set a profile picture.18:03:19
@_discord_775062310255067169:t2bot.iolongana joined the room.19:12:25
@genofire:chaos.fyigenofire Hi, this also: https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/pull/1576 20:43:45
16 Nov 2023
@_discord_1174767437229596706:t2bot.iojwitrick_91242 joined the room.17:46:53
@_discord_1174767437229596706:t2bot.iojwitrick_91242 hey all. not sure what the overall process is but i created a PR in logging-operator: https://github.com/kube-logging/logging-operator/pull/1582 17:49:47

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