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22 Jul 2024
@goku3:matrix.thisisjoes.sitegoku3yuggie likes dutch guys and plumy likes polish guys. tall guys from those countries.04:58:34
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@ibm666mhz:matrix.thisisjoes.siteibm666mhzyou where right09:35:18
@ibm666mhz:matrix.thisisjoes.siteibm666mhz * you were right09:35:32
@ibm666mhz:matrix.thisisjoes.siteibm666mhz * you were right about elegs09:36:18
@creepyuncle:matrix.thisisjoes.siteDramaUncle2024-07-22 elegs.jpg
Download 2024-07-22 elegs.jpg
In reply to @siegel66:matrix.org
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2203382149?t=4h0m46s J : "Dude ! But is it only me or like all Norwegian dudes looks very very good looking ?!" W : "Above average. Their average is above average." J : "Time to move to Norway !" "I think a lot of Scandinavian..., even Iceland people are super good looking too ! I think nordic area have really good looking people !" https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2203382149?t=5h49m51s J : "Rich and handsome ! Time to move to Norway !" W : "Dude, even the store guy was..." J : "Yeah, they're all good looking right ? I'm telling you dude ! I saw at least 5 hot guys in there !" "No, we are just observing and telling...objectively. No, not horny guys ! It has nothing to do with that ! We are talking about our observations ! It doesn't mean we are horny or something !" Baited few minutes later by some "cougartty/FBI open up" remarks : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2203382149?t=5h59m22s
brad's position in jeopardy
@goku3:matrix.thisisjoes.sitegoku3i dont think he's getting laid for 40k but well done to him showing up on stream10:25:02
@creepyuncle:matrix.thisisjoes.siteDramaUncle2024-07-22 elegs Mercedes-Benz.jpg
Download 2024-07-22 elegs Mercedes-Benz.jpg
@usidhaiudhaisudhasdiu:nope.chatusidhaiudhaisudhasdiu joined the room.14:52:42
@usidhaiudhaisudhasdiu:nope.chatusidhaiudhaisudhasdiu left the room.14:53:17
@dg2:matrix.orgdg2is this the guy who lives off of health insurance 15:39:05
@xlm:matrix.thisisjoes.sitexlmnah i think he inherited some real estate. a job where you can watch every stream live for years17:45:21
@incelarmy9:matrix.orgincelarmy9thats why donators give away so much money they dont earn it 18:24:29
@lost_cause:matrix.thisisjoes.sitelost_causeHe's been a viewer for a long time 20:20:55
@lost_cause:matrix.thisisjoes.sitelost_causehaven't really seen him in chat much in a long time 20:21:10
23 Jul 2024
In reply to @gusser:matrix.thisisjoes.site
I assume it's whoever gets to ride in the front seat, yesterday it was Wolf, today it's Jinny
it depend on which community the driver from would get the front seat of the favorite streamer https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2205072210?t=5h22m14s
24 Jul 2024
@ano013:matrix.organo013 joined the room.09:38:52
@ano013:matrix.organo013 left the room.09:40:03
@xlm:matrix.thisisjoes.sitexlmelegs simp dream coming true, driving them around for three full days always on standby12:54:06
Download Jinnytty_2024-07-24.jpg
@xlm:matrix.thisisjoes.sitexlmhaving the time of his life14:18:13
@xlm:matrix.thisisjoes.sitexlmnext she is going to Italy, like Naples and Sicily. birthday coming up so she will continue with "solo" traveling21:01:33
@xlm:matrix.thisisjoes.sitexlm * next she is going to Italy, like Naples and Sicily. birthday coming up so she will be "solo" traveling from now on21:03:44
@gusser:matrix.thisisjoes.sitegusserthat poker tournament in Vegas Brad was playing in ended 2 weeks ago, the day she arrived in Iceland, so I was expecting him to join her already, but I guess not, he'll most likely join in Italy for her birthday though21:13:29
25 Jul 2024
Download pain.jpg
@lurkingisgood:matrix.orglurkingisgood joined the room.00:52:59
26 Jul 2024
In reply to @xlm:matrix.thisisjoes.site
sent an image.
This the funniest shit I ever seen
@goku3:matrix.thisisjoes.sitegoku3you can donate all this money to spend time with jinny on stream but then you're going to be judged 😂14:11:14
@goku3:matrix.thisisjoes.sitegoku3it is what it is14:11:17

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