
Philly Game Mechanics

104 Members
www.phillygamemechanics.com22 Servers

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29 Aug 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DA48RF:matrix.orgsteve_pettit changed their profile picture.02:27:15
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DA48RF:matrix.orgsteve_pettit ape out 02:27:15
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DA48RF:matrix.orgsteve_pettit is jazz game 02:27:26
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U293R2J07:matrix.orgequinoxfract shawnpierre the only soundtracks that have bop in them I personally know are on that list. I can ask around about it if you want any more examples though. 18:47:41
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DC61VC:matrix.orgachapin changed their profile picture.20:16:05
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5C8PJJ1E:matrix.orgdbuck changed their profile picture.20:40:52
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre Ape out is close, the percussion is great. I wish it had horns or pianos. It's more of the frantic feel I'm looking for. 21:30:33
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre I did find this, which might be exactly what I'm looking for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYFachqAup4 21:30:55
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre Even though it's not in a game 21:31:01
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre Thanks for the suggestions y'all! And equinoxfract no need to ask around, but if you stumble upon anything, send it my way 21:31:59
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U293R2J07:matrix.orgequinoxfract Just remembered, there’s definitely a track or two on the Rayman Origins soundtrack (and I assume Rayman Legends soundtrack but I don’t know that one) that qualifies, kind of a big band hard-bop style. (It’s one of my favorite soundtracks, too.) I’m away from my computer at the moment so I can’t give the track names. 22:10:24
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UHQKR7ZB8:matrix.orgZack Spec I'm getting nowhere on my life sim game but I really want to see its engine go places. Anyone want to design a raising sim in the fashion of Academagia? I'll implement it; main thing for me is making it easy to modify and demonstrating the powers of the engine. 23:48:06
30 Aug 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5DKF2MFH:matrix.orgasandoval changed their profile picture.18:02:07
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5DKF2MFH:matrix.orgasandoval changed their profile picture.18:02:07
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5DKF2MFH:matrix.orgasandoval Hey folks! Comic Con for Kids is looking for indie games to be shown on Oct. 11-12 at the Greater Philadelphia Expo. If this interests you, Info at the link, contact Renee Gittens to be connected with the con organizers: https://bit.ly/2ZtAw5O 18:02:07
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5DKF2MFH:matrix.orgasandoval (edited) ... Oct. 11-12 at ... => ... Oct. 12-13 at ... 18:02:40
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UCU0U2K63:matrix.orgAlex Higgins changed their profile picture.18:22:10
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UCU0U2K63:matrix.orgAlex Higgins I'll be showcasing there with Underground Arcade Collective that weekend! Would be cool to see other philly folks there. It's free, and they've got a ton of room (this is the first con I've done where I've gotten two tables - luxurious!) 18:22:11
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CXPEK8:matrix.orgkotarofujita nice! 21:23:09
1 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UFPL99FJ8:matrix.orgWoody Fentress changed their profile picture.15:33:15
3 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UFG72L3G8:matrix.orgCameron Konner changed their profile picture.02:33:14
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UFG72L3G8:matrix.orgCameron Konner shawnpierre delayed but, cuphead has a fantastic soundtrack might b up your alley. 02:33:17
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5N3JU340:matrix.orgwepv changed their profile picture.23:02:55
4 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre I should play that anyway, I heard a lot of good things. 16:10:20
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre Also, question, would anyone be interested in participating in Speed Runs, the lightning talks 🌩️ 🗨️ if we were to have them September 19th? Or would people prefer November? 16:11:53
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre November might give anyone interested more time to put something together, but I wanted to ask just in case there was enough interest. 16:12:35
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U1RAZD0R2:matrix.orgjason I would be interested in talking in November, but I'm not ready for September. 16:23:03
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5DKF2MFH:matrix.orgasandoval Yeah November would be better for me to prepare something by. 16:51:14
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre oKAY, 16:55:03
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre Whoops 16:55:07

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