
Philly Game Mechanics

104 Members
www.phillygamemechanics.com22 Servers

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13 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U67BVRMV4:matrix.orgjecreane changed their profile picture.15:28:01
16 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UDJ55SCSE:matrix.orgMichael Hudak changed their profile picture.14:57:33
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UDJ55SCSE:matrix.orgMichael Hudak Looks awesome. There's a new ramen shop on 3rd and South called Neighborhood Ramen, plus Royal Izakaya at 2nd and Fitzwater...things are blowing up around there. 14:58:52
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre changed their profile picture.15:04:49
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre This Thursday is a Work & Playtesting. It's not as structured as the playtesting nights that have happened in the past, but will still have a strong playtesting theme. So, please be prepared to give and receive feedback, and to bring something you want others to play. 15:06:11
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03CTND6W:matrix.orgshawnpierre Exclamation point. 15:06:37
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8F59TSP6:matrix.orgkylemagocs changed their profile picture.15:12:33
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DA48RF:matrix.orgsteve_pettit changed their profile picture.16:08:52
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DA48RF:matrix.orgsteve_pettit hey everyone just want to share again that we are doing another Indie Arcade first friday event with Colorspace. If you've never been it is a first friday gallery we run for local games. It is our largest event with over 300 people attending, you can check out a promo video for the first one here https://vimeo.com/241459924. It is the first friday of november and we are looking for submissions! if you want to showcase your game send me a DM. in the past we've also done prints, sold prints and things, and done demoscene style projections. so if you have something other then a game you'd want to show lemme know too! would like to get at least 5 games plus the phillytron over there 16:08:53
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U1LBQBP5H:matrix.orgcody joined the room.16:09:08
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U6G9ATWJZ:matrix.orgpurplecar joined the room.16:09:19
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UJRUBH75G:matrix.orgCeleste Cottrell changed their profile picture.16:09:55
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UFG72L3G8:matrix.orgCameron Konner changed their profile picture.16:11:52
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U64SRLJMS:matrix.orgkmai270 joined the room.16:13:50
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U1P0PATPH:matrix.orgkkarensk changed their profile picture.16:14:09
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U2A13P5RV:matrix.orgjustgreg joined the room.16:14:47
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8ZET0R1C:matrix.orgAndy changed their profile picture.16:15:24
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8ZET0R1C:matrix.orgAndy changed their profile picture.16:15:25
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DA48RF:matrix.orgsteve_pettit also this is a great time to get your game on the Tron if you think you might not make it or don't want to work a booth 😉 16:16:32
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U6JTKGVQE:matrix.orglooksharpe changed their profile picture.18:21:55
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U6JTKGVQE:matrix.orglooksharpe changed their profile picture.18:21:58
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U239XHSLA:matrix.orgGame_Overture joined the room.20:27:13
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U239XHSLA:matrix.orgGame_Overture Does the Tron run Windows? Is there a game selection thinga-magig to conform to? API? 20:27:15
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8F59TSP6:matrix.orgkylemagocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LYi1Ji8pSovSkz2S3BrZIkb9D7TGwskDU9Ub7ljZzfo/edit 20:27:56
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8F59TSP6:matrix.orgkylemagocs this doc is probably a bit out of date 20:28:00
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U239XHSLA:matrix.orgGame_Overture thanks 20:28:16
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U239XHSLA:matrix.orgGame_Overture Are single player games frowned upon? 20:37:37
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U1RAZD0R2:matrix.orgjason There's a few single-player games on there already, more local content is the most important thing! 20:43:32
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U239XHSLA:matrix.orgGame_Overture cool, I may contribute if I find time to port something 20:50:21
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8F59TSP6:matrix.orgkylemagocs Do it 21:00:17

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