

205 Members
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8 Jun 2024
@fritjof:deepfunk.dk@fritjof:deepfunk.dk left the room.21:11:33
10 Jun 2024
@ezu_4:matrix.org@ezu_4:matrix.org changed their display name from olorin.green to kry.green.10:11:27
@ezu_4:matrix.org@ezu_4:matrix.org left the room.10:19:24
11 Jun 2024
@hackerhash782:matrix.org@hackerhash782:matrix.org left the room.10:08:39
12 Jun 2024
@ysdcmsn_9exug5tpi7m_7bs2u:matrix.orgysdcmsn_9exug5tpi7m_7bs2u joined the room.01:05:11
@charad7:matrix.org@charad7:matrix.org left the room.20:11:30
13 Jun 2024
@the_wizard_:tchncs.dethe_wizard_ joined the room.10:58:21
16 Jun 2024
@kaizar:mx.zr0.eukaizar joined the room.04:37:02
18 Jun 2024
@th3s4rp:chatsv.nebisoftware.comazk124 (18 · they/them · nebisoftware.com) changed their profile picture.10:22:58
1 Jul 2024
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account joined the room.06:09:37
4 Jul 2024
@lineararray:matrix.orgLinearArray changed their profile picture.00:00:35
@reimarbauer:matrix.orgReimar Bauer set a profile picture.05:06:15
5 Jul 2024
@azxswed:matrix.orgqazsw set their display name to qazsw.04:54:18
7 Jul 2024
@alpha3031:matrix.orgAlpha3031 joined the room.07:59:35
9 Jul 2024
@io:meat.computeriois there any plans to remove/prune dead homeservers? sending a message in these rooms always takes a while, and a lot of the destinations aren't active anymore15:20:54
@io:meat.computerio * is there any plans to remove/prune dead homeservers? sending a message in these rooms (well, it's mostly the main room, since that gets most of the users/traffic) always takes a while, and a lot of the destinations aren't active anymore15:22:47
@io:meat.computerio * is there any plans to remove/prune dead homeservers? sending a message in these rooms (well, it's mostly the main room, since that gets most of the users/traffic) always takes a while, and a lot of the destinations aren't active anymore (hrm, i feel like i recall having this conversation before, maybe about room versions)15:26:35
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirif you saw my screenshot the room state is 7gb on my homeserver16:40:54
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldiralso slow sending may be because of https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues/1712916:42:17
@io:meat.computeriooh, I didn't. but both of those would explain the behaviour I'm seeing. I guess its being cached on my side as it seems(?) to be fine when messaging in an active conversation21:18:48
11 Jul 2024
@effendy:matrix.orgeffendy changed their profile picture.18:01:17
13 Jul 2024
@mercy:matrix.lviv.dcomm.net.ua@mercy:matrix.lviv.dcomm.net.ua removed their profile picture.20:49:44
@mercy:matrix.lviv.dcomm.net.ua@mercy:matrix.lviv.dcomm.net.ua removed their display name Mercy.21:01:35
@mercy:matrix.lviv.dcomm.net.ua@mercy:matrix.lviv.dcomm.net.ua left the room.21:08:01
14 Jul 2024
@iwoithe:matrix.org@iwoithe:matrix.org left the room.12:02:55
17 Jul 2024
@katzefurr:matrix.orgkatzefurr joined the room.21:46:32
23 Jul 2024
@punit_arya:matrix.org@punit_arya:matrix.org left the room.04:21:00
25 Jul 2024
@th3s4rp:chatsv.nebisoftware.comazk124 (18 · they/them · nebisoftware.com) changed their profile picture.16:59:38
@ambiguous_yelp:matrix.orgAmbiguous Yelp changed their display name from Ambiguous Yelp to Ambiguous Yeast.19:49:01
@ambiguous_yelp:matrix.orgAmbiguous Yelp changed their display name from Ambiguous Yeast to Ambiguous Yelp.19:52:59

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