
Jeon project (another Matrix implementation on java)

24 Members
https://github.com/ma1uta/jeon (mirror: https://gitlab.com/ma1uta/jeon)9 Servers

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26 Feb 2019
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1uta I'm going to the release. With federation api for 0.1.1 version. I have described it and waiting the release 0.5 of the C2S and 0.2 of the IS. 17:19:43
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaThere are a few things left to do.17:19:58
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaAnd when the Federation API is described I want to start develop the homeserver implementation. But I cannot come up with the name of the homeserver.17:24:02
In reply to @ma1uta:ru-matrix.org
There are a few things left to do.
For example fix swagger errors. http://ma1uta.github.io/swagger/s2s.json or yaml
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrix ma1uta: this is exciting news! 17:43:06
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrixhow can we help name the homeserver?17:43:18
In reply to @benpa:matrix.org
how can we help name the homeserver?
Suggest a name? ;)
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrixha! ok17:44:58
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaI can accept any name from community.17:47:58
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrixI will add a line in TWIM telling everyone to think of a name and tell you17:50:13
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaAlso I will continue works on the matrix jabber bridge (There are some problems to fix this I should fork some libraries)17:52:25
4 Mar 2019
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1uta First RC of the Jeon Project with upcoming Client-Server API 0.5, Server-Server API 0.1.1, Application API 0.1, Identity API 0.2 and Push API 0.1.
Also the RC of the jmsdk (https://github.com/ma1uta/jmsdk) has been prepared with Java Matrix Client for Client-Server API 0.5.
Changes in the C2S: Added the m.push_rules event, removed status presence methods.
Added S2S API of the 0.1.1 version.
Also I prepared a very simple page https://ma1uta.github.io/ with links to the swagger schemas (json and yaml) for all Matrix API which generated from the Jeon code.
@aaron:raim.istAaron joined the room.20:02:32
@uhoreg:matrix.org@uhoreg:matrix.org joined the room.20:10:21
@aaron:raim.istAaronShould the name be in cyrillic or english/latin?20:13:03
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaI suppose english/latin.20:15:38
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew joined the room.20:57:28
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewso is jeon the API impls or the HS or both?20:59:32
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewor is that the question? :)20:59:35
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utajeon is a collection of the API: Client-Server, Server-Server, Application Service, Push Service and Identity Service. Just interfaces and model classes. Without implementation.21:09:23
@aaron:raim.istAaronI'm not sure which theme you want to join. Matrix, Quaternion, Fractal, and Tensor have the whole math theme going on. Synapse and Dendrite are nerve related. Here is my (lame) thinking for the name. Java -> Coffee -> Person who serves coffee (the server) -> Barista that's probably not googleable enough so you'd have to tack on Matrix or MX so like Matrix Barista or something. Feel free to go in a totally different direction but that is my thinking.21:23:24
5 Mar 2019
@brendan:abolivier.bzhBrendan Abolivier joined the room.00:18:41
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1uta It seems I will call a server as "JeonServer"... 04:07:33
7 Mar 2019
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewJeonServer sounds quite good10:42:13
21 Mar 2019
@groo:meshspace.de⌠✦groo✦⌡ 🌿 changed their profile picture.23:34:19
31 Mar 2019
@groo:meshspace.de⌠✦groo✦⌡ 🌿 changed their display name from groo 🌿 to ⌠✦groo✦⌡ 🌿.09:27:31
9 Apr 2019
@thehurley3:matrix.org@thehurley3:matrix.org joined the room.16:45:11
15 Apr 2019
@thehurley3:matrix.org@thehurley3:matrix.org left the room.18:54:09
3 May 2019
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrix changed their profile picture.09:07:02

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