
X Rebirth

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X Rebirth. Part of the space: https://matrix.to/#/#x-universe:matrix.org1 Servers

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1 Sep 2023
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net All files except for one were already on depth 1. 01:39:56
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net The last file was inside a folder which was again inside a folder. 01:40:15
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Now the script was designed to get the parent directory of each file and mkdir it inside the main game directory and then symlink all the files in. 01:41:09
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net I am not gonna question why the devs chose to set up languages this way but whatever. 01:41:26
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net The fact the last file was inside 2 additional directories is what caused the symlink to fail for it so I fixed it manually 01:42:08
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net As for the \n thing going on with the path.  01:45:49
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net They had the correct idea but perhaps their original find command was designed separately from the one in my system. The list of files they wanted to generate recursively was correct. The issue was that each term in the list they wanted to create was prefixed by an \n. In reality it was not a list at all, only the readable output seemed like it. 01:47:28
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Those parts of the script should just be scrapped and replaced by a readme telling the user what to do honestly lol. 01:48:07
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net I will comment out the mkdir parts later to avoid those annoying errors showing up. 01:48:34
@odanobunaga:matrix.orgOda NobunagaInteresting. Would be great if you could post it in Egosoft's forum or on a platform which search engine can find in case other players have the same problem.07:28:12
@odanobunaga:matrix.orgOda Nobunaga * Interesting. Would be great if you could post it in Egosoft's forum or on a platform which search engines can find in case other players have the same problem.07:28:24
In reply to @odanobunaga:matrix.org
Interesting. Would be great if you could post it in Egosoft's forum or on a platform which search engines can find in case other players have the same problem.
Yeah I was planning to.
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Oda Nobunaga Rejoice! It worked! 11:33:37
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net The game launched! 11:33:43
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Now to see how well it plays 11:33:56
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Hmm. Should I try the campaign or start free play 11:35:48
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net I guess I will just try the campaign 11:35:59
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Hope it does not lag. 11:37:36
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Rebirth does not have a good track record in that sphere. 11:38:10
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Oh that's sad. 11:40:49
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net It crashed 11:40:52
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Started it again 11:44:53
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Functioning smoothly now 11:44:57
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Hopefully it won't crash again 11:45:03
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Maybe 11:45:05
@odanobunaga:matrix.orgOda NobunagaX Rebirth had lots of problems. It was a new engine.11:46:18
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net Had a great session 13:56:09
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net I kept the graphics at low to compensate for the performance. 13:56:23
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net There is a lot more going in XR compared to X3. 13:56:32
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net There are still some sharp edges they did not polish but otherwise the game works decent. 13:57:05

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