
Sex Ed': Sex Education. (Don't be rude, lewd, or crude here!)

1057 Members
Have some class, when you come to class! - No "hi-hello" "ping-pong". If you want to sit in a bloody effin' circle, introducing each other, go to Alcoholics' Anonymous! Put your greetings and whatnot, within a topical message. And do not line-break for each sentence or paragraph of one thought. On Riot-web/desktop do <shift>+<enter> • (Topic as originally posted by room creator, to be edited…) While "Age is just a number", things like "Age of Consent" are important topics. - Be sure and be "old enough" (whatever that means) or have permission, to be here. - Seems a lot of websites do 🔞/"18+" or "13+ with parental permission", for legal reasons. - And, it seems that which is "legal" is separate from that which is "abusive". - What about BDSM between consenting adults? - While the consent generally makes it "legal", it seems like the submissive takes some abuse! - So, let's keep it safe and legal here, insomuch as possible. - Steer clear of, or be VERY CAREFUL about, discussing age difference where one partner is underage. This is an EDUCATION zone, not an ENTRAPMENT zone! Certainly inform younger Teliophiles or ones who "crush" on older people, how much trouble that could bring. And do not bring that "drama" in here. - But, if you want to talk about size differences, or inexperience, that should be okay. - Otherwise, careful if talking of age-play, or age. Play elsewhere. • Try to use Wikipedia images or GIFs as they are often less graphic or have been vetted according to some sort of "Community Standards" in a wide range of communities. • Bottom Line: If it could get us in deep shit, legally or otherwise, then GTFO with all of that! THEREFORE, due to recent discussions online reguarding YouTube Content Creators and the USA's C.O.P.P.A. policy if you're under 18 🔞, leave and send your parent or legal guardian who is over 18 instead. We don't make those rules. `¯\_(ツ)_/¯` ••• Room is "World Readable" or what IRC people call "Logged": https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23SexEducation:matrix.org ° Listed: https://matrixstats.org/alias/%23SexEducation:matrix.org ••• For sharing: #SexEducation:matrix.org ° https://matrix.to/#/#SexEducation:matrix.org ° https://riot.im/app/#/room/#SexEducation:matrix.org ° [#SexEducation:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#SexEducation:matrix.org) ••• (Hash)Tags: #Love #SelfHelp #Sex #SexEd #SexEducation #SexualEducation #Sexuality ••••59 Servers

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