
Rossmann Repair Group, Inc.

3610 Members
Welcome! This is the official Matrix community space for Rossmann Repair Group, Inc. https://www.youtube.com/user/rossmanngroup https://www.rossmanngroup.com/ **By joining, you agree to these rules.** Parent Space: #rossmannrepair:matrix.org; ruleset - 2.0.1; 09/01/2024 Complete Rules, and are not limited to: (1) We have staff that volunteer their time/labor here. Please do not shitpost, spam, insult, post gore, post sexual imagery, discuss illegal or sketchy topics, ping Louis unnecessarily, or spam memes. No gun display or gun talk. Stay civil. Controversial topics belong in RRG Politics. (2) We request that any repair advice you provide be well‑sourced or derived from strong experience. ✱✱ Note that advice given here is community‑driven and does not reflect the views of Rossmann Repair Group, Inc. For professional assistance, visit https://rossmanngroup.com or the forum https://boards.rossmanngroup.com. ✱✱ (3) You are not to bother Rossmann Repair Group, Inc. or other businesses. Any support requests are for staff here only. Violations of this rule incur severe penalties. (4) Sharing and soliciting copyrighted works to which you lack an appropriate license is prohibited. (Sharing original works to which you own the copyright is permissible.) (5) This community is intended as a place to foster civil discussions. Avoid posting unverified claims. Flamebaiting and derailing are strictly prohibited. Avoid abbreviations. Raiding other communities is strictly prohibited. (6) Contact any of the 99-level moderators privately for moderation issues or ban appeals. Ban appeal decisions are final. Matrix‑related tech support questions belong publically.345 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ set a profile picture.07:54:47
@kazonix3:matrix.orggarysplay joined the room.10:23:53
@pimjai:matrix.orgPimjairuk Sawangplearn joined the room.12:53:43
@mrdgh2821:matrix.orgmrdgh2821 joined the room.15:32:48
@ascxwq22:matrix.orgOtman BOUDINA joined the room.16:10:57
@helpcomputer:matrix.orghelpcomputer changed their display name from helpcomputer to poop-McGoop.16:47:48
@helpcomputer:matrix.orghelpcomputer changed their display name from poop-McGoop to helpcomputer.16:48:45
@2xko:matrix.org2xko joined the room.20:12:21
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawatt joined the room.21:06:02
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawatt set a profile picture.21:13:08
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:09:45
@steve.gill:matrix.orgStephen Gill joined the room.22:40:37
@murilin:matrix.org@murilin:matrix.org joined the room.23:34:24
@murilin:matrix.org@murilin:matrix.org left the room.23:34:36
26 Jul 2024
@domcode:matrix.orgDom Cogan joined the room.00:52:10
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2 joined the room.03:51:51
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2 set a profile picture.03:58:33
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2 changed their display name from jarocks to jarocks 🏳️‍⚧️.03:58:46
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2 changed their display name from jarocks 🏳️‍⚧️ to chaosgirl 🏳️‍⚧️.04:42:19
@dasaset1969:matrix.org@dasaset1969:matrix.org left the room.10:21:49
@user1_:matrix.orguser1_ joined the room.10:27:28
@d8fld9tr:matrix.orgshiningmint22 removed their display name transrights.11:55:24
@everypizza:catgirl.cloudeverypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.dev changed their display name from everypizza • eepy catgirl 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🐾 to everypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.dev.12:46:03
@everypizza:transfem.deveverypizza • new account 🐾🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.13:39:54
@blurtle:matrix.orgblurtle joined the room.14:08:24
@everypizza:transfem.deveverypizza • new account 🐾🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ set a profile picture.14:20:06
@rattlerhead:matrix.orgrattlerhead joined the room.16:24:51
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2 changed their display name from chaosgirl 🏳️‍⚧️ to chaotictransgirl2.18:30:11
@d8fld9tr:matrix.orgshiningmint22 set their display name to shiningmint22.20:44:43
27 Jul 2024
@gatholocool:matrix.orggatholocool joined the room.00:32:47

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