
Tusky General

273 Members
This is our general chat, for things that don't go elsewhere. You can always request a room if it gets cluttered with certain topics and we'll consider adding it to our space64 Servers

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5 Apr 2024
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!wait, didn't the letsencrypt root ca used by ancient versions of android just expire? https://letsencrypt.org/2020/12/21/extending-android-compatibility18:06:50
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckTusky doesn't support Android < 7 anymore, so I don't think it is affected18:35:52
@josce:matrix.orgjosceI have Android =7.020:38:17
6 Apr 2024
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckAnd Tusky 24.1 stopped working for you?06:08:24
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckOn an Android 7 emulator I can log into mastodon.social just fine06:13:59
@everton137:matrix.orgeverton137https://social.vivaldi.net/@everton137/112222832623571623 Maybe Vivaldi is blocking third parties from using its translation tool? I tried other two apps and it worked for a while, but it disappeared after some time.06:24:20
8 Apr 2024
@janik0:matrix.orgJanik (they/them) left the room.13:59:48
10 Apr 2024
@im_dylan:matrix.orgDylan changed their profile picture.01:22:53
@tamero:matrix.orgTamero joined the room.15:46:50
11 Apr 2024
@mcc111:matrix.orgmcc111On iPhone there's something called a "stackshot" that lets you get the stacks of currently running threads on a non-development build. I wonder if there's an equivalent on Android.20:06:01
12 Apr 2024
@tamero:matrix.orgTamero left the room.20:36:46
@tamero:nope.chatTamero joined the room.20:23:13
13 Apr 2024
@arnavkumar:matrix.orgArnav Kumar left the room.08:16:10
14 Apr 2024
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckadding information about translations to our faq: https://github.com/tuskyapp/faq/pull/2813:00:25
17 Apr 2024
@mcc111:matrix.orgmcc111A thought, I've got one room in my apartment where the wifi doesn't reach, and I find that if I boost or fav things in this room in Tusky usually it will fail (checking later the fav/boost did not happen) but I get no error tellling me it failed. Maybe that's something I'd like to look into once the refactors land.16:32:37

I can think of multiple ways to improve this

  1. a snackbar at the bottom telling you about the error
  2. the like/boost button just silently going back to the unselected state
  3. some kind of retry mechanism that keeps trying to send the event in the background once network is back
@mcc111:matrix.orgmcc1111 or 3 sound good to me16:50:10
@jmrubillon:matrix.orgjmrubillon3 would be the nicest way of dealing with it. Transparent for the user. May need to consider what happens to the user's action if the post no longer exists or has been modified while the user was offline.17:14:21
@mcc111:matrix.orgmcc111One problem with 3 is it could interact oddly with "permanent" failures like airplane mode. With posts, we have this whole "Drafts" area we can use for people to review their failed interactions, but it would be impractical to do such a thing for pending favs/boosts.17:21:36
@jmrubillon:matrix.orgjmrubillonWhether "permanent" or temporary, one would need to consider what happened to the fav'ed/boosted post since loss of contact. And then there's the question of how frequently does one retry?17:44:16
@mcc111:matrix.orgmcc111it's definitely something to think about. just showing an error on the other hand is straightforward and might be something we could do quicker (maybe even as a stopgap)17:59:25
19 Apr 2024
@rauschen_:matrix.orgrauschen_ set a profile picture.07:33:04
21 Apr 2024
@wrottik:matrix.org~#!/usr/mittwerk️ changed their profile picture.10:45:25
22 Apr 2024
@marceloexc:tchncs.demarceloexc joined the room.03:43:27
29 Apr 2024
@voxel:chatwave.orgVoxel left the room.08:22:10
30 Apr 2024
@jacksonchen666:jacksonchen666.comjacksonchen666 (they/it/he) joined the room.16:53:25
2 May 2024
@gnu1dea:matrix.orggnu1dea joined the room.08:24:22
@gnu1dea:matrix.orggnu1deaHow can I add Tusky to ntfy if it isn't automatically?10:42:43
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckRestarting Tusky should do the trick15:08:51

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