
Tusky General

273 Members
This is our general chat, for things that don't go elsewhere. You can always request a room if it gets cluttered with certain topics and we'll consider adding it to our space64 Servers

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2 May 2024
@gnu1dea:matrix.orggnu1deaHmm… even an OS restart didn't do it16:16:23
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduck🤔 maybe one of them is not at the newest version? Maybe logging in & out of Tusky helps?17:07:23
@jacksonchen666:jacksonchen666.comjacksonchen666 (they/it/he) left the room.19:43:38
@gnu1dea:matrix.orggnu1deaYes, thank you: logging out & in again did it! 😊21:28:23
3 May 2024
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckTusky 25.0 is out11:19:46
4 May 2024
@kevin:km6g.usKevin P. Fleming joined the room.12:00:45
@goingwithout:matrix.orgCharles left the room.12:35:24
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckTusky 25.1 is out, it fixes two crashes at startup that prevented some users from using the app18:42:24
6 May 2024
@micaai:archoslinux.czmicaai joined the room.13:15:17
8 May 2024
@wrottik:matrix.org~#!/usr/mittwerk️ changed their display name from ~#!/usr/mittwerk to ~#!/usr/mittwerk🇺🇦️.06:15:30
12 May 2024
@nailyk:matrix.nailyk.frnailykI was always wondering: is it on purpose that the messages displayed in the 'private conversation' (the one with the ✉️ icon) is displayed the messages which have been sent only ? And not the received ones ? 21:52:50
13 May 2024
In reply to @nailyk:matrix.nailyk.fr
I was always wondering: is it on purpose that the messages displayed in the 'private conversation' (the one with the ✉️ icon) is displayed the messages which have been sent only ? And not the received ones ?
I'm not sure I understand
Download 1000005191.jpg
@nailyk:matrix.nailyk.frnailyk In this tab. Its the messages I sent, not the ones I received. 10:43:41
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckIt should always show the last message in a thread, if that is always you it is correct, if not it could be both a Tusky or Mastodon bug.16:27:45
14 May 2024
@gnu1dea:matrix.orggnu1dea left the room.12:03:39
15 May 2024
@eliot_l:matrix.orgeliot_lHello, I am wondering if there is ever going to be any movement on https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/2826 I understand the rationale for not wanting to merge this PR although I don't agree with it because https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/19685 has been open for a year and a half with no movement. I don't know if it will ever be addressed by the mastodon maintainers. This feature is so essential to me I have been maintaining my own fork of Tusky for personal use, which is just evant's PR but merging in `develop` periodically. If the maintainers decide to allow this PR to be merged I would be happy to fix it up if needed, I just haven't bothered based on the discussion at https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/issues/2798 made it sound like the maintainers would not consider merging. Thanks.15:12:46
@eliot_l:matrix.orgeliot_lAnd I did actually try to ask the mastodon maintainers if they would be open to a PR to fix the upstream issue over a year ago. They ignored me. I don't have infinite free time so I am not going to work on an upstream PR without some sort of acknowledgement that the maintainers would be open to merging it.15:17:52
@eliot_l:matrix.orgeliot_lI think at this point, my suggestion would be to implement a client-side fix like evant's PR. If and when it's fixed in upstream mastodon, it can be adapted to use the server-side setting. Just my 2¢.15:21:03
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckMastodon 🙄 18:15:55
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckyeah makes sense, I'll see that it gets merged18:16:20
18 May 2024
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!🤔 I feel like nightly is jumping a lot in the (home) timeline when doing "load more"05:22:51
21 May 2024
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!I feel like the tooltip or whatever that has replaced toasts for image descriptions (long-press on an image in the timeline) holds significantly less text than the toast did19:23:28
22 May 2024
@puffinux:matrix.orgPuffinux possibly it depends on the android version & font size settings? for me at least it seems to be the other way around, rather than a line of text, i can now see up to three lines. though a bigger tooltip would still be welcome 11:27:32
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckI like the tooltip way more but I haven't check which one fits more text17:13:49
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckTooltip text length is not configurable :/17:23:56
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!you're right, it could be dependent on android version - I'm on 11, and I get several lines of text at the full screen width with the toast, and much less with the tooltip 🤷19:51:59
28 May 2024
@taivlam:matrix.orgTai joined the room.05:52:33
30 May 2024
@mcc111:matrix.orgmcc111Saw this interesting post… apparently there is an informal standard for a PNG metadata field containing alt text. https://hachyderm.io/@TheIdOfAlan/112531072507099357 I wonder if it would make sense to give Tusky the ability to automatically populate alt text from this field. Possibly not because it looks like the applications that populate this field are on desktop.17:03:04
@ahangarha:matrix.orgمصطفی آهنگرها | Mostafa Ahangarha left the room.23:28:40

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