

69 Members
Announcements and notifications channel [part of +projectalice:matrix.org community]29 Servers

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24 Jul 2020
@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io changed their display name from bleeding to Stratejic#0554.21:34:51
25 Jul 2020
@elisabeth:chat.weho.stelisabeth 09:15:11
24 Jul 2020
@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io changed their display name from Stratejic#0554 to Stratejic.21:34:51
25 Jul 2020
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from tricksterbenrey to tricksterbenrey#9945.07:44:43
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from tricksterbenrey#9945 to tricksterbenrey.07:44:44
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#6598.19:38:45
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#6598 to My Angle Alice.19:38:48
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm to CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435.21:05:24
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 to CPG Yuri - reckonusm.21:05:41
@lita:synod.im@lita:synod.im 22:12:38
@_discord_191578646173974531:t2bot.ioMr.Alice changed their display name from Mr.Alice to TZKUnit#1932.22:26:03
@_discord_191578646173974531:t2bot.ioMr.Alice changed their display name from TZKUnit#1932 to Mr.Alice.22:26:13
27 Jul 2020
@test300:privacytools.iotest300 joined the room.06:24:07
28 Jul 2020
@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io changed their display name from Stratejic to Bleed#0554.19:35:38
@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io changed their display name from Bleed#0554 to Bleed.19:35:38
@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io changed their display name from Bleed to Bleed#0554.19:50:00
@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io changed their display name from Bleed#0554 to Bleed.19:50:02
@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io@_discord_650842981250891807:t2bot.io left the room.20:07:46
@_discord_248315888988585994:t2bot.ioDusk Ealain changed their display name from Dusk Ealain to Dusk Ealain#5943.23:11:43
@_discord_248315888988585994:t2bot.ioDusk Ealain changed their display name from Dusk Ealain#5943 to Dusk Ealain.23:11:43
@_discord_248315888988585994:t2bot.ioDusk Ealain changed their display name from Dusk Ealain to Dusk Ealain#5943.23:13:12
@_discord_248315888988585994:t2bot.ioDusk Ealain changed their display name from Dusk Ealain#5943 to Dusk Ealain.23:13:16
29 Jul 2020
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#6598.02:58:35
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#6598 to My Angle Alice.02:58:39
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from tricksterbenrey to tricksterbenrey#9945.19:32:13
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from tricksterbenrey#9945 to tricksterbenrey.19:32:26
@tolja:ru-matrix.orgtolja 21:27:38
@theophil:asra.grtheophil 23:22:14
31 Jul 2020
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm to CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435.03:01:28
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 to CPG Yuri - reckonusm.03:01:31

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