

69 Members
Announcements and notifications channel [part of +projectalice:matrix.org community]29 Servers

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31 Aug 2020
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from junebert#9945 to junebert.02:15:49
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from junebert to junebert#9945.02:53:49
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from junebert#9945 to junebert.02:53:49
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#6598.16:50:47
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#6598 to My Angle Alice.16:50:59
1 Sep 2020
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm to CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435.19:56:06
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 to CPG Yuri - reckonusm.19:56:10
2 Sep 2020
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#6598.07:40:58
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#6598 to My Angle Alice.07:41:01
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#6598.10:56:42
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#6598 to My Angle Alice.10:56:44
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from junebert to junebert#9945.14:36:26
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from junebert#9945 to junebert.14:36:26
@_discord_304605408796868609:t2bot.iomarquiskurt#0 changed their display name from AliceOS.kt to alicerunsonfedora.chr#1948.15:47:18
@_discord_304605408796868609:t2bot.iomarquiskurt#0 changed their display name from alicerunsonfedora.chr#1948 to AliceOS.kt.15:47:25
@_discord_304605408796868609:t2bot.iomarquiskurt#0 changed their display name from AliceOS.kt to alicerunsonfedora.chr#1948.15:47:58
@_discord_304605408796868609:t2bot.iomarquiskurt#0 changed their display name from alicerunsonfedora.chr#1948 to AliceOS.kt.15:47:59
3 Sep 2020
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#6598.00:18:02
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#6598 to My Angle Alice.00:18:19
@_discord_327222156109021184:t2bot.ioit's_showtime changed their display name from it's_showtime to tbf it's_showtime#0962.04:20:19
@_discord_327222156109021184:t2bot.ioit's_showtime changed their display name from tbf it's_showtime#0962 to tbf it's_showtime.04:20:19
@_discord_327222156109021184:t2bot.ioit's_showtime changed their display name from tbf it's_showtime to TBF | it's_showtime#0962.04:20:30
@_discord_327222156109021184:t2bot.ioit's_showtime changed their display name from TBF | it's_showtime#0962 to TBF | it's_showtime.04:20:41
@_discord_284370375784267786:t2bot.ioPentex changed their display name from Pentex to Pentex#6212.06:47:18
@_discord_284370375784267786:t2bot.ioPentex changed their display name from Pentex#6212 to Pentex.06:47:19
@_discord_327222156109021184:t2bot.ioit's_showtime changed their display name from TBF | it's_showtime to TBF | it's_showtime#0962.18:26:15
@_discord_327222156109021184:t2bot.ioit's_showtime changed their display name from TBF | it's_showtime#0962 to TBF | it's_showtime.18:26:25
4 Sep 2020
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#6598.07:08:24
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#6598 to My Angle Alice.07:08:24
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#6598.16:00:18

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