
The Geek Lab

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8 Dec 2024
In reply to @filanto:matrix.org
Me too
Or you could find replacement clips and just crimp them on.
@warped:linuxdelta.comWarpedThey are often broken when replacing cards, so someone must be selling them. Or you may want to buy a replacement antenna that covers additional bands better.15:21:34
In reply to @filanto:matrix.org
It has a $28 500gb drive, I think that's the issue 😁
Lol HDD or SSD ]
In reply to @filanto:matrix.org
In the process of cloning the drive to a 1tb NVMe. This thing has 3 hard drives now. 😊. A 120gb, a 500gb and a 1000gb. Its fun to experiment on
Which machine
In reply to @telegram_1618009976:t2bot.io
Which machine
I was given a Cybertron laptop from 2015. Fun messing with it versus my main laptop
@filanto:matrix.orgFilantoSo far I have spent $35 on upgrades minus the SSDs which were laying around anyways 15:25:05
In reply to @filanto:matrix.org
So far I have spent $35 on upgrades minus the SSDs which were laying around anyways
I might put MacOS on iT as a hoot
In reply to @filanto:matrix.org
So far I have spent $35 on upgrades minus the SSDs which were laying around anyways
What WiFi card did you get? If it is an Intel card and Intel CPU, your system is old enough that the CPU may not have the newer features required.
Download 20241208_103415_8354127664394601067.jpg
@filanto:matrix.orgFilantoI believe the cpu is in the sandy bridge era. 15:35:33
@filanto:matrix.orgFilantoIts busy with cloning drive to drive right now. 15:36:11
@filanto:matrix.orgFilantoIt was a "gaming" laptop. My Coworker only had a standard drive in it with 8gb of RAM. I doubled the RAM and put in a SSD. This definitely helped a lot until I had about 2 GB of storage left. 15:38:26
In reply to @filanto:matrix.org
It was a "gaming" laptop. My Coworker only had a standard drive in it with 8gb of RAM. I doubled the RAM and put in a SSD. This definitely helped a lot until I had about 2 GB of storage left.
@warped:linuxdelta.comWarped For Windows, I use Wise Disk Cleaner. You might clear a large part of the drive. I clear install files and any foreign languages. It seems like Chinese, Japanese and Korean keep getting installed. Hackers? 🤪
In reply to @warped:linuxdelta.com
For Windows, I use Wise Disk Cleaner. You might clear a large part of the drive. I clear install files and any foreign languages. It seems like Chinese, Japanese and Korean keep getting installed. Hackers? 🤪
Its running Bazzite on the 500gb and windows gets 120gb drive.
In reply to @filanto:matrix.org
Its running Bazzite on the 500gb and windows gets 120gb drive.
I haven't found out if I need a cleaner for Linux. I once put a couple short videos in the temp folder on Suse Tumbleweed to make room on my /home partition. Forgot about it and rebooted. They were gone. 🤪
9 Dec 2024
@chris:ug24.cochris changed their profile picture.04:17:14
10 Dec 2024
Download AntennaPodEcho.png
@sharper0746:matrix.orgsharper0746Thank Noah for a great show!17:32:54
@sharper0746:matrix.orgsharper0746And Steve too17:32:58
@53k5hun-8:matrix.org53k5hun-8 joined the room.18:21:58
@biggrind:matrix.orgMerry Hawksmas joined the room.18:34:22
@elguaje4:matrix.orgEl GuajeShort of hosting my own, is there a desktop app that let's you have your own ticketing system? I just need it as a personal to do, which is abusing what these are meant for. I really like how something like Github issues work, where the Issue is the to do, I can put my notes in there, and tag the issues themselves. I realize that's what a ticketing system can do to. However is there something like that in a desktop app vs setting up gitlab or OSticket myself?21:52:25
In reply to @elguaje4:matrix.org
Short of hosting my own, is there a desktop app that let's you have your own ticketing system? I just need it as a personal to do, which is abusing what these are meant for. I really like how something like Github issues work, where the Issue is the to do, I can put my notes in there, and tag the issues themselves. I realize that's what a ticketing system can do to. However is there something like that in a desktop app vs setting up gitlab or OSticket myself?
There's a ton of task management tools that work locally.
- super productivity
- appflowly
- most desktop environments have a tasks app
- nextcloud has a task app as well
@dingus_:matrix.orgBruleRedacted or Malformed Event23:31:41
@dingus_:matrix.orgBruleRedacted or Malformed Event23:32:25
11 Dec 2024
@twobit:linuxdelta.comTwoBit Studio: The revision number could be generated by the build pipline. 00:12:23
@SnarkTest:matrix.orgAtypicalKernelClipper chip anyone?00:45:43

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