
Logseq: Workflows

4495 Members
Looking for Logseq specific workflows or have something to share? Post it here! | This is the workflow channel of the official Logseq Space on Matrix, which you can find at #logseq:matrix.org.33 Servers

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6 Jul 2024
@shanth:matrix.io.web3citadel.comshanth ⚡️ joined the room.14:01:38
@shanth:matrix.io.web3citadel.comshanth ⚡️ 14:01:56
@shanth:matrix.io.web3citadel.comshanth ⚡️ left the room.14:23:26
@jheyit57:matrix.orgjheyit57 joined the room.20:26:16
@jheyit57:matrix.orgjheyit57 left the room.21:02:40
7 Jul 2024
@rsierkov:matrix.orgРоман Сєрков set a profile picture.12:29:02
8 Jul 2024
@leroyates1:matrix.orgleroyates1 joined the room.12:22:23
9 Jul 2024
@allyrbaserbelong2:matrix.orgallyrbaserbelong2 joined the room.06:39:59
10 Jul 2024
@botechia:matrix.orgbotechia joined the room.03:34:48
11 Jul 2024
@rjjaramillo2:matrix.orgJeremy Jaramillo joined the room.02:15:28
12 Jul 2024
@undercoatjoyride:matrix.orgNoob joined the room.11:10:52
@undercoatjoyride:matrix.orgNoob left the room.11:13:24
13 Jul 2024
@vellis59:matrix.orgArnaud Wallon set a profile picture.13:17:26
@meain:matrix.orgmeain left the room.17:07:13
@evilsanbeats:matrix.orgEvil2Root joined the room.22:06:16
21 Jul 2024
@iaxat:matrix.orgx joined the room.06:59:01
@glutonius:matrix.orgglutonius set a profile picture.19:34:08
22 Jul 2024
@medic2016:matrix.orgMedic2016 joined the room.05:38:52
@iaxat:matrix.orgx changed their display name from iaxat to iaxatx.07:52:19
@iaxat:matrix.orgx changed their display name from iaxatx to x.07:59:47
@burntk:matrix.orgSam O’nella joined the room.11:10:57
@medic2016:matrix.orgMedic2016Is Logseq: Workflows compared to obsidian it to be more short quick notes per line?22:53:05
23 Jul 2024
@djprogen:matrix.orgdjprogen joined the room.03:11:41
@sandeep.sagar:matrix.orgsandeep.sagar joined the room.09:29:47
@uneducateduser42:matrix.org@uneducateduser42:matrix.org joined the room.10:29:48
@uneducateduser42:matrix.org@uneducateduser42:matrix.org joined the room.10:45:06
@uneducateduser42:matrix.org@uneducateduser42:matrix.org left the room.10:45:11
24 Jul 2024
@edyn:matrix.orgEdy Noah joined the room.04:40:16
@edyn:matrix.orgEdy Noah left the room.04:40:46
26 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.orgthompson joined the room.01:26:00

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