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5 Feb 2022
@_discord_315518544471130112:t2bot.ioElijah#0001 if the truck wont come to your s tore you got no food 14:01:29
@_discord_315518544471130112:t2bot.ioElijah#0001 the fuel is unreal 14:01:38
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 We are going to take the ports next 14:01:41
@_discord_315518544471130112:t2bot.ioElijah#0001 $93! on the oil 14:01:43
@_discord_315518544471130112:t2bot.ioElijah#0001 and we are back to the off grid , self sustainable mmodel 14:02:05
@_discord_315518544471130112:t2bot.ioElijah#0001 we ben here before 😄 14:02:11
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 I have enough food stored to last me 2 years at least 14:02:32
@_discord_477252832781926432:t2bot.ioLordByron in ontario but all the way south in the windsor area right near the boarder 14:02:48
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Ok.. 14:02:59
@_discord_315518544471130112:t2bot.ioElijah#0001 i could be there in a hot minute 14:03:09
@_discord_477252832781926432:t2bot.ioLordByron how? 14:03:11
@_discord_315518544471130112:t2bot.ioElijah#0001 through detroit 14:03:11
@_discord_315518544471130112:t2bot.ioElijah#0001 but 14:03:13
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 They said they were going to lock down the infrastructure in Ottawa 14:03:48
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Swamp everything 14:04:04
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Which is technically illegal 14:04:12
@_discord_477252832781926432:t2bot.ioLordByron physical gold and sliver i have also put into 14:04:14
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Worthless 14:04:29
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Get food 14:04:34
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Resources u need 14:04:43
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 This is for real 14:05:00
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Get ready 14:05:06
@_discord_477252832781926432:t2bot.ioLordByron lol thats what it was 14:05:21
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Anyway.. What did u expect.. This is politics 14:06:08
@_discord_477252832781926432:t2bot.ioLordByron i had extra cash from trading gains last year so thats what i dumped some cash into. 14:06:56
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Property and resources.. Land to grow food etc.. Thats a smart investment 14:07:37
@_discord_477252832781926432:t2bot.ioLordByron i already have that 14:08:19
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 Nice 14:08:52
@_discord_477252832781926432:t2bot.ioLordByron plus access to about 4 acres 14:08:59
@_discord_931683887548080169:t2bot.ioThorBear#9106 That helps 14:09:08

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