
OpenSuspect troubleshooting

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6 Dec 2020
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microand now after the rebase (in the vim diff) you can see that it would probably get duplicated01:18:14
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microhad I pulled and pushed again :D01:18:19
@gobbel:matrix.orggobbelDid you ever do a push --force?01:19:27
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Micronope01:20:22
@gobbel:matrix.orggobbelThen the duplicate commits must have happened when you had to pull again. For some reason your local git thought it was behind even though it wasn't.01:21:38
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microyeah, I guess because of the mismach between the hashes01:21:58
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microbut why are they getting different evey time01:22:11
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice MicroI figured out a way but will have to start over and make a new branch01:23:16
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microso if I just fetch the original PR from slaughter01:23:26
@gobbel:matrix.orggobbelWhy is the Merge commit for PW #243 not in the remote?01:23:49
@gobbel:matrix.orggobbelYou could probably make a new branch off of main and then cherrypick using the hashes01:24:24
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Micro
In reply to @gobbel:matrix.org
Why is the Merge commit for PW #243 not in the remote?
that has just been merged to main today
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microso that's what I rebased my branch on top of today, and what I wanted to push to the remote01:25:24
@gobbel:matrix.orggobbel * Why is the Merge commit for PR #243 not in the remote?01:25:57
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Micronow I have to figure out how to make a patch file based on a commit and how to apply it :D01:27:24
@gobbel:matrix.orggobbelWith git cherry-pick you should be able to apply individual commits somewhere else.01:28:25
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microall right let me try that01:31:50
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microso if I do that I should cancel my pull request as it will be based on an other branch now, right?01:43:45
@gobbel:matrix.orggobbelYes, I would suggest making a clean new branch and burning the other one in hell once you're done. 01:45:17
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Micro:D okay01:51:33
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Micro changed their display name from nicemicro to Nice Micro.15:34:22
12 Dec 2020
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice MicroIs there a reason why is interact.tres gets changed after I run the project?13:41:19
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Micro
--- a/src/addons/opensusinteraction/resources/interact/interact.tres
+++ b/src/addons/opensusinteraction/resources/interact/interact.tres
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ interact_data = {
-[sub_resource type="Resource" id=4]
+[sub_resource type="Resource" id=2]
 resource_local_to_scene = true
 resource_name = "InteractUI"
 script = ExtResource( 4 )
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ resource_local_to_scene = true
 resource_name = "InteractTask"
 script = ExtResource( 5 )
 task_text = ""
-ui_resource = SubResource( 4 )
+ui_resource = SubResource( 2 )
 outputs/toggle_map_interactions = false
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Microthe SubResource gets changed to 2 from 413:43:09
13 Dec 2020
@kimapr:matrix.org@kimapr:matrix.org joined the room.12:12:53
@kimapr:matrix.org@kimapr:matrix.orggodot crashes when trying to load opensuspect in the editor12:13:16
@kimapr:matrix.org@kimapr:matrix.orgall assets error out when loading12:13:56
@devesh_7766:matrix.orgZapzoop0099you have to run git lfs before cloning12:25:38
@nicemicro:matrix.orgNice Micro
In reply to @kimapr:matrix.org
all assets error out when loading

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