
TR wiki-uesp

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17 Jul 2023
@_discord_338836451024437250:t2bot.iosnailsting#0 I think that just using the initials from that logo, like people have been doing on occasion works fine P:C tbh 21:17:58
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil also our white gold looks different 21:50:34
18 Jul 2023
@_discord_265227914155393025:t2bot.ioexovian Currently, I can edit the main MW map, but I cannot edit https://tamrielrebuilt.uesp.net/trmap/ 02:04:50
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j what is "the main MW map" ? exovian 02:07:06
@_discord_265227914155393025:t2bot.ioexovian https://mwmap.uesp.net/ 02:07:20
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j everything's being moved to gamemap.uesp.net, try there 02:07:25
@_discord_265227914155393025:t2bot.ioexovian Looks like it works. I've literally never seen that URL before; is it brand new? 02:08:16
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j yes its what i've been working on the past year 02:08:38
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j consolidating all the uesp maps into one place 02:09:13
@_discord_265227914155393025:t2bot.ioexovian Looks fantastic! 02:09:50
@_discord_265227914155393025:t2bot.ioexovian Only issue I can see is that the grid lines tank the page performance, but it looks really good. 02:10:16
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j are you on firefox? fixing gridlines is an item on my list and i know for firefox users its really slow 02:11:18
@_discord_265227914155393025:t2bot.ioexovian Yup, that would do it. 02:11:34
@_discord_265227914155393025:t2bot.ioexovian I'll try to spend some time tonight getting Helnim and Firewatch at least up to EoE currency, and see how it goes. 02:12:05
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j on chrome it's much better, but i use firefox as my main too so i'm motivated to fix it 02:12:25
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j let me know if anything whacky happens during editing. it shouldnt, but it's a beta so if it does i should know 02:13:11
@_discord_265227914155393025:t2bot.ioexovian Will do! 02:13:19
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j oh also, if you have any suggestions for edit templates for TR let me know

for eso, dawnstar, and skyrim editors have given me stuff they'd like templated to save time, example: typing in "chest" in eso loads up the default "chest" settings one click away
Download image.png
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j probably could put cave, or telvanni tower or something for TR... 02:28:17
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.iominerman60101 The TR gridmap already has a legend, that'll give you a leg up on that. P:C and S:HotN probably don't have an updated legend though 02:29:24
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j that reminds me would you guys prefer your own icon style for PC and SHoTN or just reuse the morrowind ones 02:32:20
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil they are oblivion ones aren't they? 02:32:34
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j this is what "the morrowind ones" look like 02:32:37
Download image.png
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j they used to be oblivion ones but i changed them to these, found some guy on the wiki who made custom TR/morrowind ones 02:33:05
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil oh those are nice 02:33:12
@_discord_412156755397574666:t2bot.iowerdna5957 You'd need to make a few new ones since these are so Dunmer specific, but I favor this style 02:33:55
@_discord_298886017841102849:t2bot.iothal_j im no graphics artist tbh. there is a "blank" included in this iconset but it should probably be you guys modifying for PC/SHoTN 02:35:57
@_discord_412156755397574666:t2bot.iowerdna5957 Horse head for carriage travel maybe 02:37:15

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