
Bringing knowledge and conversation closer together

315 Members
https://vlad.roam.garden/Bringing-knowledge-and-conversation-closer-together article discussion1 Servers

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25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.20:18:42
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.20:41:19
29 Apr 2024
@56598214603:matrix.org56598214603 joined the room.01:38:11
5 May 2024
@56599147761:matrix.org56599147761 joined the room.13:28:36
8 May 2024
@56599683441:matrix.org56599683441 joined the room.21:34:36
13 May 2024
@56600269757:matrix.org56600269757 joined the room.01:48:02
17 May 2024
@56601001147:matrix.org56601001147 joined the room.05:42:50
21 May 2024
@56601706896:matrix.org56601706896 joined the room.07:27:41
23 May 2024
@56602052461:matrix.org56602052461 joined the room.06:12:27
24 May 2024
@56602197458:matrix.org56602197458 joined the room.01:08:13
27 May 2024
@56602805862:matrix.org56602805862 joined the room.17:11:25
30 May 2024
@56603364381:matrix.org56603364381 joined the room.18:39:38
4 Jun 2024
@56604117661:matrix.org56604117661 joined the room.04:23:09
6 Jun 2024
@56604521780:matrix.org56604521780 joined the room.07:23:02
7 Jun 2024
@56604687313:matrix.org56604687313 joined the room.04:50:36
11 Jun 2024
@56605330365:matrix.org56605330365 joined the room.08:47:19
16 Jun 2024
@56606185051:matrix.org56606185051 joined the room.02:58:16
19 Jun 2024
@56606679965:matrix.org56606679965 joined the room.05:24:23
23 Jun 2024
@56607194227:matrix.org56607194227 joined the room.08:06:08
26 Jun 2024
@56607621150:matrix.org56607621150 joined the room.09:09:04
29 Jun 2024
@56608006077:matrix.org56608006077 joined the room.09:43:23
2 Jul 2024
@56608389163:matrix.org56608389163 joined the room.07:47:34
4 Jul 2024
@56608656603:matrix.org56608656603 joined the room.00:56:02
7 Jul 2024
@56609014596:matrix.org56609014596 joined the room.02:26:29
10 Jul 2024
@56609427353:matrix.org56609427353 joined the room.06:25:35
15 Jul 2024
@56610079743:matrix.org56610079743 joined the room.03:06:17
18 Jul 2024
@56610487667:matrix.org56610487667 joined the room.04:50:30
22 Jul 2024
@56611059484:matrix.org56611059484 joined the room.20:34:48
25 Jul 2024
@56611371730:matrix.org56611371730 joined the room.06:04:21
@56611468481:matrix.org56611468481 joined the room.20:57:52

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