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16 Apr 2024
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibannext one we already discussed in pulpcore meeting https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/issues/524315:02:49
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanso i accepted it15:03:11
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanthen the next one is https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/issues/525015:03:15
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanwe should fix this one15:03:22
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanand not just because i filed it, but because we already had a new user post on discourse asking about it15:03:55
@lubosmj:matrix.orglmjachkyyes; something has changed in pulpcore, this status endpoint was not raising any errors in my browser one month ago15:06:15
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibani think it's django that changed15:06:25
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibananyway, let's accept15:06:43
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibannext issue https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/issues/525415:07:23
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanlooks like ggainey is actively helping on this one15:07:31
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanlet's skip it for today15:07:36
@dkliban:matrix.orgdkliban ggainey: shall we skip this one? 15:08:30
@dkliban:matrix.orgdkliban lets skip 15:10:29
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibannext is a feature https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/issues/525515:10:47
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanlet's accept this one15:10:54
@lubosmj:matrix.orglmjachkyit is more about adding support SFTP in general, why concerning domains only?15:11:37
@ggainey:matrix.orgggainey(sorry, on phone w/ IT)15:11:41
@lubosmj:matrix.orglmjachky * it is more about adding support to SFTP in general, why concerning domains only?15:11:46
In reply to @lubosmj:matrix.org
it is more about adding support to SFTP in general, why concerning domains only?
see the docs: "Using SFTP storage is not recommended in Pulp’s current state, and doing so can lead to file corruption. This is because Pulp currently uses coroutines that seem to be incompatible with Django’s SFTPStorage implementation."
@ggainey:matrix.orgggaineydo we really want to spend time on SFTP, given the probs it has caused us?15:12:48
@dkliban:matrix.orgdkliban gerrod: 15:13:03
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanlet's skip this one also15:14:15
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibancan we agree to accept this one>?15:14:35
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanhere is the last one https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/issues/526115:20:38
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanthat's all the issues for today15:21:06

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