
DCR Marketing

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12 Dec 2017
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/jy-p] e.g. it could trigger regulatory action19:17:27
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/jy-p] however, 3rd parties characterizing it that way is different from the project doing that itself19:17:52
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/Nimrod] Clearly it is a reward for work not interest on a loan. I was thinking of the effect of staking as compound interest but as the reward is decreasing over time it's not a classical example of that I guess?20:00:35
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/jy-p] something notable about pos is that it's not a fully passive process - you have to participate in an ongoing process to capture returns20:05:52
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/dumode.com] and there is risk, bc u never know when u will get the dcr back20:31:22
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/dumode.com] as well as the small chane u might never get the reward20:32:19
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/dumode.com] so it’s an investment20:32:28
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/dumode.com] as well as the small chance u might never get the reward (edited)20:32:39
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/xl-edge] so am i and i too did my due diligence however neither of us are a) a religious scholar and B) an expert in shariah compliant finanace4 and investments. And so to get a seal of approval by experts in both religious and finance is basic for most financial instruments in the conventional market unless you think people should be left to be their own experts based on their own interpretations. I know many muslin investors who only invest with a experts seal of approval as opposed to some random guy on the internet who says its halal.... lol20:33:22
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/jy-p] gotta get that U with the circle on there too20:47:18
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/xl-edge] @abdulrahman4 also in Islam we always get a seal of approval for everything from a leading scholar in the subject matter at hand. Be it shariah compliant mortgages/investments/trading to medicine and everything else in between. for example here in England we have something called HMC committee that monitor if meat is HALAL or HARAM and they use many criteria's from how the animal was kept when alive to what it was fed to how it was slaughtered. So their seal of approval and certification is crucial. Its the same with finance/mortgages/stock market etc etc20:57:06
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/xl-edge] @jy-p just having clarity as opposed to ambiguity will be enough Decred is for the world community not just Muslims but i guess just showing it has no conflict of interest and having a religious expert go over it can do no harm... also it will help market easier and answer a lot of uncertain questions for the Muslim community...21:06:02
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/jy-p] a religious opinion letter 🙂21:09:23
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/abdulrahman4] @xl-edge I do appreciate your marketing efforts to approach Muslim community in UK. if your so-called religious scholar refuse to give us a "seal of approval" I'll be happy to debate with him. and btw, I was born and raised in saudi arabia which is a county that not only applies shariah low but embedded the shariah in its education system so I'v been studying it since I was in grade one hell even I21:46:11
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/abdulrahman4] @xl-edge I do appreciate your marketing efforts to approach Muslim community in UK. if your so-called religious scholar refuse to give us a "seal of approval" I'll be happy to debate with him. and btw, I was born and raised in saudi arabia which is a county that not only applies shariah low but embedded the shariah in its education system so I'v been studying it since I was in grade one (edited)21:46:21
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/abdulrahman4] hell even when I was studying medicine it was mandatory to take some shariah classes to get MD21:48:31
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/abdulrahman4] @xl-edge I do appreciate your marketing efforts to approach Muslim community in UK. if your so-called religious scholar refuse to give us a "seal of approval" I'll be happy to debate with him. and btw, I was born and raised in saudi arabia which is a county that not only applies shariah law but embedded the shariah in its education system so I'v been studying it since I was in grade one (edited)21:49:01
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/Bebrites] https://portaldobitcoin.com/comparativo-decred-bitcoin-dash/22:06:50
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/Bebrites] Posted our comparative chart on the Main Brazilian CC site22:07:12
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/Bebrites] The owner told me i can write/translate Decred content for them periodically22:08:27
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/xl-edge] @abdulrahman4 no disrespect but saudi arabia is not the arabia of the prophets time. Also being born and raised In SAUDI land does not qualify one to the religious teachings of what is HALAL and what is HARAM. And i dont think the religious expert in finanace and investments who has also written papers on bitcoin will debate with laymen who claim i was born here so i know more lol. But im sure he would be willing to speak with Devs and experts at Decred as that's what experts in each field do they debate with fellow experts and specialists not jack of all trades master of none.22:14:25
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/xl-edge] @jy-p yeah just get some expert feedback from a religious perspective and put the matter to bed once and for all.22:15:58
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/xl-edge] and than with that perspective we can use it for marketing purposes going forward as a article and FAQ on the website22:17:13
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/abdulrahman4] Non taken, do as u like 22:18:31
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/gozart] it's referred to as "subsidy" in the codebase22:36:36
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/Haon] Definitely, please do this!23:46:59
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/Haon] Let's talk! I'm happy to explain any missing links to you 23:48:33
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/Haon] I've created a room http://appear.in/Decred 23:49:02
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/Haon] Let me know when you have time 23:49:18
13 Dec 2017
@bridge:decred.org@bridge:decred.org[slack/moo31337] i sense a lot of parsing00:56:59

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