
Jesus Saves

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WorldWide Repentance. "We follow a God we can’t see whose power in us fights foes we can’t see either." - Celestial,NY 20215 Servers

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16 Mar 2023
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgYea, but I've also read David ickes book where he goes into more info about pagan elements of Christianity10:17:47
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgIts convincing. 10:18:01
@yx:matrix.orgbartekAfaik Chris White did even better job10:18:03
@yx:matrix.orgbartekDavid Icke has been taking a lot of drugs. He ha opened channels for spiritual activity that is not of God10:18:55
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In reply to @yx:matrix.org
David Icke has been taking a lot of drugs. He ha opened channels for spiritual activity that is not of God
Yeah. True.
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgBut judge the message not the messenger10:20:35
@yx:matrix.orgbartekYou have to know that there are lying spirits there.... its even in the Bible10:20:41
@yx:matrix.orgbartekI am judging his message as false. Some of it is true but if it doesnt help your problem - of death and sin - its just useless10:21:36
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgDo you think if a child rapist repents to Jesus before his death he can be saved10:22:45
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgDo you think yeshua died for the sins of murderers and rapists?10:23:11
@yx:matrix.orgbartekI do10:30:39
In reply to @thebluepandabear:matrix.org
Yeah. True.
I Also took hallucinogenic drugs and know that spirits are there
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgOK so if a guy who helped thousands of homeless people throughout his life out of the good in his heart dies and didn't accept Jesus is he going to hell?10:33:03
@yx:matrix.orgbartekThat person is going to be judged of all they did10:38:54
@yx:matrix.orgbartekEven if they save a lot of people, their sin will still be judged. No one is without sin, thats the Word of God10:40:59
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgOK so also the child rapist would right?10:43:12
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgOr because he repented he won't be judged?10:43:12
@yx:matrix.orgbartekIf he accepts Jesus and his work on the cross yes10:47:57
@yx:matrix.orgbartekHe has to repent and follow him10:48:17
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgIf its a week before his death and he follows him for a week is that enough to secure a spot in heaven and not be judged?10:51:09
@yx:matrix.orgbartekThe question is - why would you waste your life living in the fallen state in the first place, and do not want to let God renew you?11:34:47
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgGod or yeshua?11:36:06
@yx:matrix.orgbartekGod is renewing you. Yahshua made it possible. You know what his name means right?11:36:54
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgNo what does yeshuas name mean11:39:29
@yx:matrix.orgbartekLook for it11:44:19
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.orgYeshua in Hebrew is a verbal derivative from "to rescue", "to deliver". 11:52:41

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